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product structure : silicon monolithic integrated circuit this product has no designed protection against radioactive rays 1/ 28 tsz02201 - 0232aa000250 -1-2 30 , jul.2015, rev.001 ? 2015 rohm co., ltd. all rights reserved. tsz22111 ? 14 ? 001 www.rohm.com type - c usb power delivery controller bm92t50 mwv general description bm92t50 is a full function type - c usb - pd controller that supports usb power delivery using base - band communication. it is comp atible with usb type - c specification rev1. 1 and usb power delivery specification rev2.0. bm92t50 includes support for the pd policy engine and communicates with an embedded controller or the soc via host interface. it supports sop, sop, sop and sop signaling, allowing it to communicate with cable marker ics, support alternate modes and protocol adapters. features ? usb type - c spec 1. 1 comp atible ? usb pd spec 2.0 comp atible (bmc- phy) ? two channel power path control using n - channel mosfet drivers with back flow prevention ? type c cable orientation detection ? built - in vconn switch and vconn controller ? direct vbus powered operation ? supports deep - sleep - mode (pc application) ? supports dfp/ufp/drp mode. ? supports dead battery operation. ? supports analog audio headphone detection ? smbus interface for host communication ? ec- less operation (auto mode) applications ? consumer applications ? monitors & docking stations ? tvs & stbs key specifications ? vbus voltage range: ? power sink voltage range: ? power source voltage range: ? power consumption at lo w power : ? operating temperature range: 4.75v to 20v 4.75v to 20v 4.75v to 20v 0.4m w (typ) - 30c to +105c package uqf n 40v5050 a w (typ) 5.0 0 mm x d (typ) x 5.00mm x h (max) x 1.00mm typical application circuit(s) BM92T50MWV uqfn40v5050a vconn_in xclpoff2 dschg cc1cc2 gnd gnd ldo15dcap ldo28cap ldo15acap gnd vccin csensep csensen usb type-c receptacle vbus cc1cc2 d+ d- gnd sgnd vddio vb sgnd s1_drv_g1 s1_drv_g2 vex s1_drv_src sgnd sgnd vccin xclpoff1 sgnd shell_gnd vstr/atst2 dbgmoddtdbgrstck idsel/atst1 xrst vsvr sgnd s2_drv_g1 s2_drv_src s2_drv_g2 sgnd sgnd sgnd smdata smclk for test sgnd sgnd vccin spi-if gpio1(alert#) gpio0(vout_en) gpio4(upscs gpo3 gpo2 gnd power supply for prov (5v) power supply for prov (12v 20v) power supply for vconn ec-if power supply 3.3v gpio7(upsclk/d2 gpio6(upsdo/d1 gpio5(upsdin/d0 figure a. ty pical application circuit downloaded from: http:///
bm92t50 mwv 2/ 28 tsz02201 - 0232aa000250 -1-2 30 , jul.2015, rev.001 ? 2015 rohm co., ltd. all rights reserved. tsz22111 ? 15 ? 001 www.rohm.com contents contents ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 2 notation ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 reference ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 1 introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................ 4 2 pin description ...................................................................................................................................................................... 5 3 pin configuration ................................................................................................................................................................... 7 4 package dimensions ............................................................................................................................................................. 8 5 electrical characteristics ...................................................................................................................................................... 9 5.1 absolute maximum ratings ................................................................................................................................................. 9 5.2 recommended operating conditions ................................................................................................................................ 10 5.3 circuit current characteristics ........................................................................................................................................... 10 5.4 digital pin dc characteristics ............................................................................................................................................ 11 5.5 power supply management ................................................................................................................................................ 12 5.5. 1 outline ............................................................................................................................................................................ 12 5.5.2 electrical characteristics ................................................................................................................................................ 13 5.6 cc_phy ............................................................................................................................................................................ 14 5.6.1 outline ............................................................................................................................................................................ 14 5.6.2 electrical characteristics ................................................................................................................................................ 16 table 5 - 6. cc_phy characteristics .............................................................................................................................................. 16 5.7 voltage detection ............................................................................................................................................................... 17 5.7.1 outline ............................................................................................................................................................................ 17 5.7.2 electrical characteristics ................................................................................................................................................ 17 table 5 - 7. voltage detection characteristics ................................................................................................................................ . 17 5.8 vbus discharge ................................................................................................................................................................ 18 5.8.1 outline ............................................................................................................................................................................ 18 5.8.2 electrical characteristics ................................................................................................................................................ 18 table 5 - 8. vbus discharge characteristics .................................................................................................................................. 18 5.9 power fet gate driver (sink & source) ...................................................................................................................... 19 5.9.1 outline ............................................................................................................................................................................ 19 5.9.2 electrical characteristics ................................................................................................................................................ 19 table 5 - 9. power fet gate driver characteristics ....................................................................................................................... 19 5.10 acdc bridge .................................................................................................................................................................. 20 5.10.1 outline ............................................................................................................................................................................ 20 5.10.2 electrical characteristics ................................................................................................................................................ 20 table 5 - 10. acdc bridge characteristics ..................................................................................................................................... 20 5.11 power on sequence ...................................................................................................................................................... 21 5.12 power off sequence ...................................................................................................................................................... 22 5.13 i/o equivalence circuit ................................................................................................................................................. 23 6 application example ........................................................................................................................................................... 26 6.1 selection of components externally connected ................................................................................................................. 26 7 function description ........................................................................................................................................................... 26 8 application circuits for different firmware types ........................................................................................................... 26 9 operational notes ................................................................................................................................................................ 27 downloaded from: http:/// bm92t50 mwv 3/ 28 tsz02201 - 0232aa000250 -1-2 30 , jul.2015, rev.001 ? 2015 rohm co., ltd. all rights reserved. tsz22111 ? 15 ? 001 www.rohm.com notation category notation description unit v volt (unit of voltage) a ampere (unit of current) , ohm ohm (unit of resistance) f farad (unit of capacitance) deg., degree degree celsius (unit of temperature) hz hertz (unit of frequency) s (lower case) second (unit of time) min minute (unit of time) b, bit bit (unit of digital data) b, byte 1 byte = 8 bits unit prefix m, mega - , mebi - 2 20 = 1,048,576 (used with bit or byte) m, mega - , million - 10 6 = 1,000,000 (used with ? or hz) k, kilo - , kibi - 2 10 = 1,024 (used with bit or byte) k, kilo - 10 3 = 1,000 (used with ? or hz) m, milli - 10 -3 , micro - 10 -6 n, nano - 10 -9 p, pico - 10 - 12 numeric value xxh, xxh hexadecimal number. x: any alphanumeric of 0 to 9 or a to f. xxb binary number; b may be omitted. x: a number, 0 or 1 _ is used as a nibble (4 - bit) delimiter. (eg. 0011_0101b = 35h) address #xxh address in a hexadecimal number. x: any alphanumeric of 0 to 9 or a to f. data bit[n] n- th single bit in the multi - bit data. bit[n:m] bit range from bit[n] to bit[m]. signal level h, high high level (over v ih or v oh ) of logic signal. l, low low level (under v il or v ol ) of logic signal. z, hi - z high impedance state of 3 - state signal. reference name reference document release date publisher usb type -c usb type - c specification release 1. 1 a pr . 3 , 201 5 usb.org usb pd power delivery specification revision2.0 version1.0 aug. 11, 2014 usb.org smbus system management bus (smbus) specification version 2.0 aug. 3, 2000 system management implementers forum downloaded from: http:/// bm92t50 mwv 4/ 28 tsz02201 - 0232aa000250 -1-2 30 , jul.2015, rev.001 ? 2015 rohm co., ltd. all rights reserved. tsz22111 ? 15 ? 001 www.rohm.com 1 introduction bm92t50 is a full function type - c usb - pd controller that supports usb power delivery using base - band communication. it is comp atible with usb type - c specification rev1. 1 and usb power delivery specification rev2.0 bm92t50 includes the following functional blocks: type - c physical layer (base - band phy), bmc encoder / decoder, usb - pd protocol engine, two n - ch mosfet switch drivers to control two mosfets each, ovp fet and smbus interface for communicating with the host controller. it requires an external embe dded controller that includes device policy manager and gpios for type - c usb - pd operation. bm92t 50 is able to operate independently in an ac adapter or in a dead battery condition where the embedded controller is not operational. bm92t 50 includes an eeprom, enabling code updates via the spi interface during prototyping phase. bm92t50 contro ller comes in four variations depending on technical note for their cir cuit design. please refer for additional details figure 1 - 1 shows the block diagram. type-c physical layer protocol bb pd physical layer smbus nchfet switch driver type-c usbpd spi i/f eeprom s1_drv_g2 s1_drv_src s1_drv_g1 vex s2_drv_g2 s2_drv_src s2_drv_g1 gpo3/fb vddio gpio1 gpio0 gpo2/vdiv dbgmoddt dbgrstck xrst vccin gnd gnd gnd vsvr dschg vb ldo15acap ldo28cap ldo15dcap idsel/atst1 vstr/atst2 gpio5 (upsdin) gpio6 (upsdo) gpio7 (upsclk) smclk smdata vconn_in csensen csensep xclpoff1 xclpoff2 gpio4 (upscs) cc2 cc1 device policy manager figure 1-1. block diagram downloaded from: http:/// bm92t50 mwv 5/ 28 tsz02201 - 0232aa000250 -1-2 30 , jul.2015, rev.001 ? 2015 rohm co., ltd. all rights reserved. tsz22111 ? 15 ? 001 www.rohm.com 2 pin description table 2-1. pin description pkg pin # pin name block i/o type power system description note 1 gnd gnd i gnd ground 2 vstr/atst2 test /debug io analog analog test / debug pin2 3 idsel/atst1 test /debug i analog smbus id (device address) selection h:1ah, l:18h /debug pin1 4 xrst interface i digital vccin digital block reset 5 vccin usb -pd o analog internal power supply (for internal use, need to connect capacitor to gnd 6 vsvr power i power 5v svr input and spdsrc _fet_ src voltage 7 dschg interface io analog discharge nmos drain 8 gnd gnd i gnd ground 9 vb power i power power source from vbus 10 gpio4 (ext mode: upscs) interface i /o (o) digital vccin general purpose i/o port 4 /( ext mode: spi chip select ) refer to technical note 11 gpio5 (ext mode: upsdin ) interface i/o (i) digital vccin general purpose i/o port 5 d0 /( ext mode: spi data in ) refer to technical note 12 gpio6 ( ext mode: upsdo ) interface i/o (o) digital vccin general purpose i/o port 6 d1 /( ext mode: spi data out ) refer to technical note 13 gpio7 (ext mode: upsclk) interface i/o (io) digital vccin general purpose i/o port 7 d2 /( ext mode: spi clk input ) refer to technical note 14 dbgrstck test io digital vddio test for logic 15 dbgmoddt test io digital vddio test for logic 16 gpio0 interface io digital vddio general purpose i/o port 0 vout_en refer to technical note 17 gpio1 interface io digital vddio general purpose i/o port 1 alert# refer to technical note 18 vddio power i power interface voltage (3.3v) 19 smdata interface io digital vddio smbus data 20 smclk interface i digital vddio smbus clock downloaded from: http:/// bm92t50 mwv 6/ 28 tsz02201 - 0232aa000250 -1-2 30 , jul.2015, rev.001 ? 2015 rohm co., ltd. all rights reserved. tsz22111 ? 15 ? 001 www.rohm.com pkg pin # pin name block i/o type power system description note 21 s2_drv_g1 fet gate control o analog power path fet gate control spdsrc2_g1 refer to technical note 22 s2_drv_src fet gate control i analog power path fet bg/src voltage spdsrc2_src refer to technical note 23 s2_drv_g2 fet gate control o analog power path fet gate control spdsrc2_g2 refer to technical note 24 s1_drv_g1 fet gate control o analog power path fet gate control spdsrc1_g1(5v) refer to technical note 25 s1_drv_src fet gate control i analog power path fet bg/src voltage spdsrc1_src(5v) refer to technical note 26 s1_drv_g2 fet gate control o analog power path fet gate control spdsrc1_g2(5v) refer to technical note 27 gnd gnd i gnd ground 28 vex power i power extension power input 29 gpo2/vdiv interface o /io digital /analog vccin general purpose output port 2 don t used 30 gpo3/fb interface o /io digital /analog vccin general purpose output port 3 dont used 31 csensen cdet i analog vccin current sense voltage input negative / pin 29,30 configuration *(pin31,pin32)=(h,h):gpo mode, other case: current sense mode. 32 csensep cdet i analog vccin current sense voltage input positive / pin 29,30 configuration *(pin31,pin32)=(h,h):gpo mode, other case: current sense mode. 33 xclpoff1 ccphy i analog vccin disable clamper of cc1 l:dead - battery not support open: dead - battery support 34 xclpoff2 ccphy i analog vccin disable clamper of cc2 l:dead - battery not support open: dead - battery support 35 cc1 ccphy io analog configuration channel 1 for type -c 36 vconn_in ccphy i analog input power for vconn 37 cc2 ccphy io analog configuration channel 2 for type -c 38 ldo15dcap power o analog internal ldo 1.5v for digital need capacit or 39 ldo28cap power o analog internal ldo 2.8v for analog need capacitor 40 ldo15acap power o analog internal ldo 1.5v for analog need capacitor downloaded from: http:/// bm92t50 mwv 7/ 28 tsz02201 - 0232aa000250 -1-2 30 , jul.2015, rev.001 ? 2015 rohm co., ltd. all rights reserved. tsz22111 ? 15 ? 001 www.rohm.com 3 pin configuration s1_drv_g2 s1_drv_src s1_drv_g1 vex s2_drv_g2 s2_drv_src s2_drv_g1 gpo3/fb vddiogpio1 gpio0 gpo2/vdiv dbgmoddt dbgrstck xrst vccin gnd gnd gnd vsvr BM92T50MWV uqfn40pin top view dschg vb ldo15acap ldo28cap ldo15dcap idsel/atst1 vstr/atst2 gpio5(upsdin) gpio6(upsdo) gpio7(upsclk) smclksmdata vconn_in csensen csensep xclpoff1 xclpoff2 gpio4(upscs) cc2 cc1 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3132 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 figure 3-1. pin configuration downloaded from: http:/// bm92t50 mwv 8/ 28 tsz02201 - 0232aa000250 -1-2 30 , jul.2015, rev.001 ? 2015 rohm co., ltd. all rights reserved. tsz22111 ? 15 ? 001 www.rohm.com 4 package dimensions ordering information b m 9 2 t 5 0 m w v - e 2 part number package mwv:uqfn40v5050 a packaging and forming specification e2: embossed tape and reel figure 4 -1. uqfn40v5050a package dimensions m92t50 lot no. downloaded from: http:/// bm92t50 mwv 9/ 28 tsz02201 - 0232aa000250 -1-2 30 , jul.2015, rev.001 ? 2015 rohm co., ltd. all rights reserved. tsz22111 ? 15 ? 001 www.rohm.com 5 electrical c haracteristics 5.1 absolute maximum r atings table 5-1 . absolute maximum ratings ta = 2 5 parameter symbol rating unit conditions maximum supply voltage1 (vb, vex, dschg , s2_drv_g1, s2_drv_g2, s2_drv_src, s1_drv_g1,s1_drv_src, s1_drv_g2 ) vin1 - 0.3 to +28 v *1 *2 maximum supply voltage2 (vddio) vin2 - 0.3 to + 6.0 v maximum supply voltage 3 (vsvr, dbgrstck, dbgmoddt, gpio0, gpio1, smdata, smclk, vconn_in ) vin3 - 1.0 to+6.0 v maximum supply voltage 4 ( vstr/atst2, idsel/atst1, x r s t, vccin, gpio4, gpio5,gpio6,gpio7, gpo2/vdiv, gpo3/fb, csens en, csens ep, xclpoff1, xclpoff2 , cc1, cc2, ldo15dcap, ldo28cap, ldo15acap, ) vin4 - 0.3 to +6.0 v maximum different voltage ( s2_drv_g1 - s2_drv_src, s2_drv_g2 - s2_drv_src , s1_drv_g1 - s1_drv_src, s1_drv_g2 - s1_drv_src ) vdiff - 0.3 to +6.0 v power dissipation pd 2.61 w *3 operating temperature range topr -3 0 to +105 degree *4 storage temperature range tstg - 55 to +125 degree *1 when the dschg pin is applied voltage should by way of resistance more than 120 ( 4w). *2 the different voltage between s*drv_g* and s*drv_src is defined symbol vdiff . s*_drv_g*=s*_drv_src+ 5.8v ( typ.) *3 this value is the permissible loss using a rohm specification board (74.2 x 74.2 x 1.6tmm, 4 layered board mounting) . at the time of pcb mounting the permissible loss varies with the size and mater ial of board. when using more than at ta=25 , it is reduced 26.1 mw per 1 . caution use in excess of this value may result in damage to the device . moreover, normal operation is not protected. *4 target spec . figure 5 -1 . power dissipation 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 power dissipation [w] ambient temperature [ c] p dmax =2.61w ja = 38.3 /w downloaded from: http:/// bm92t50 mwv 10 / 28 tsz02201 - 0232aa000250 -1-2 30 , jul.2015, rev.001 ? 2015 rohm co., ltd. all rights reserved. tsz22111 ? 15 ? 001 www.rohm.com 5.2 recommended operating conditions table 5-2 . recommended operating conditions (ta=25 c) item symbol range unit conditions vb, vex voltage vb, vex 4.75 20 v vsvr voltage vsvr 3. 1 5.5 v *2 vddio voltage vddio 1.7 5.5 v *2 vconn_in input voltage vconn 4.75 5.5 v * 2 target design 5.3 circuit current characteristics table 5- 3. common characteristics electrical characteristics (ta=25 c, vsvr=3.3v, vb=open, vex=open, vddio=3.3v) item symbol limit unit conditions min typ max [circuit current] unattached current idd_unatt 0.4 mw @vsvr=3.3v attached current idd_att 3. 5 mw @vsvr=3.3v downloaded from: http:/// bm92t50 mwv 11 / 28 tsz02201 - 0232aa000250 -1-2 30 , jul.2015, rev.001 ? 2015 rohm co., ltd. all rights reserved. tsz22111 ? 15 ? 001 www.rohm.com 5.4 digital pin dc characteristics table 5-4. digital pin dc characteristics electrical characteristics (ta=25 c, vsvr= 3 .3 v, vb=open, v ex =open, vddio=3.3v , vccin=vsvr ) item symbol limit unit comment min typ max [digital characteristics power: vddio] (input digital pins: smclk, dbgrstck) (input/ output pins: gpio0, gpio1, smdata, dbgmoddt ) input "h" level (smclk, smdata) vih1 0.8 vddio - vddio+0 .3 v input "l" level (smclk, smdata) vil1 - 0.3 - 0.2 vddio v input leak current (smclk, smdata) iic1 -5 0 5 a power: vddio input "h" level (other digital input) vih2 0.8 vddio - vddio+0 .3 v input "l" level (other digital input) vil2 - 0.3 - 0.2 vddio v input leak current (other digital input) iic2 -1 0 1 a power: vddio smdata pin "l" level voltage vol s mdata - - 0.4 v iol=350ua max output voltage when l (other digital output) vol1 - - 0.3 v source=1ma off leakage current (other digital output) iioff1 -3 - 3 a vin=vddio [digital characteristics power: vccin] (input digital pins: xrst) (input/ output pins:gpio4, gpio5, gpio6, gpio7) (output pins: gpo2/vdiv, gpo3/fb) input "h" level (xrst,gpios) vih3 0.8 vccin - vccin+0. 3 v input "h" level(xrst,gpios) vih3 0.8 vccin - vccin+0. 3 v input "l" level (xrst,gpios) vil3 - 0.3 - 0.2 vddio v input leak current (xrst,gpios) iic3 -5 0 5 a power: vccin input "h" level (other digital input) vih4 0.8 vddio - vddio+0 .3 v input "l" level (other digital input) vil4 - 0.3 - 0.2 vddio v power: vccin input leak current (other digital input) iic4 -1 0 1 a output voltage when l (other digital output) vol2 - - 0.3 v source=1ma off leakage current (other digital output) iioff2 -3 - 3 a vin=vccin csensep=csens en=vccin downloaded from: http:/// bm92t50 mwv 12 / 28 tsz02201 - 0232aa000250 -1-2 30 , jul.2015, rev.001 ? 2015 rohm co., ltd. all rights reserved. tsz22111 ? 15 ? 001 www.rohm.com 5.5 power supply management 5.5.1 outline this lsi has a power selector. it select the lowest power supply voltage from vsvr, vex, or vb for low power consumption . internal power supply ( vccin) gives priority in order of vsvr, vex, and vb. vccin supplied from the power selector is used to lsi main power source. ldos (for internal only) are suppli ed from vccin, and output each internal supply voltage. each power supply input have uvlo (2.8vtyp) a nd ovlo (vsvr: 6.4vtyp, vex/vb: 6.4/15.0/2 8 .0vtyp).and por (power on reset) signal is generated from detection of ldo28ok, ldo15dok, ldo15aok, and vcci n. f igure 5 - 2. power supply management block diagram and timing chart power selector with regulator vsvrvex vb vccin 4.7 f uvlo/ovlo detection 5v 0 20v 0 20v internal power supply por (2.6v) por signal ldo (2.8v) ldo (1.5v) ldo (1.5v) ldo28cap 1 f ldo15dcap 1 f ldo15acap 1 f ldo28okldo15dok ldo15aok internal power supply uvlo /ovlo signal vddio 3.3v vddio detection signal det downloaded from: http:/// bm92t50 mwv 13 / 28 tsz02201 - 0232aa000250 -1-2 30 , jul.2015, rev.001 ? 2015 rohm co., ltd. all rights reserved. tsz22111 ? 15 ? 001 www.rohm.com 5.5.2 electrical characteristics t able 5 - 5. power supply management characteristics item symbol limit unit comment min typ max [analog characteristics] u nless otherwise specified ta=25 c, gnd=0v, bypass capacitor (vccin)=4.7 f, bypass capacitors (ldo28cap, ldo15dcap, ldo15acap) =1 f input analog pins: vsvr, vex, vb uvlo release voltage uvlo1h - 2.8 - v vsvr, vex, vb=up uvlo detect voltage uvlo1l - 2.7 - v vsvr, vex, vb= down ovlo detect voltage (5v mode) ovlo5 - 6.4 - v vsvr, vex, vb=up ovlo detect voltage (12v mode) ovlo12 - 15 - v vex, vb=up ovlo detect voltage (20v mode) ovlo20 - 28 - v vex, vb=up ovlo hysteresis voltage (5v mode) ovlo5hys - 240 - mv ovlo5 - release voltage ovlo hysteresis voltage (12v mode) ovlo12hys - 580 - mv ovlo12 - release voltage ovlo hysteresis voltage (20v mode) ovlo20hys - 580 - mv ovlo20 - release voltage power on reset threshold voltage por - 2.6 - v vccin=up ldo28cap output voltage v28 - 2.8 - v no load, vsvr=5v ldo15dcap output voltage v15d - 1.5 - v no load, vsvr=5v ldo15acap output voltage v15d - 1.5 - v no load, vsvr=5v downloaded from: http:/// bm92t50 mwv 14 / 28 tsz02201 - 0232aa000250 -1-2 30 , jul.2015, rev.001 ? 2015 rohm co., ltd. all rights reserved. tsz22111 ? 15 ? 001 www.rohm.com 5.6 cc_phy 5.6.1 outline cc_phy has below functions of usb type - c. (refer to usb type - c spec) - defining port mode > dfp mode condition > ufp mode condition > drp mode condition - dfp - to - ufp attach / detach detection - plug orientation / cable twist detection - usb type - c vbus current detection and usage - vconn (supply for sop ) control - base- band power delivery communication (bbpd communication ) - discovery and configuration of functional extensions f igure 5 - 3. cc_phy block diagram [port_cont] this block chose the port mode according to the setting from mcu. (dfp) variable current source is connected to cc terminal. these currents of each mode are 80 a 20%: default current, 180 a 8%: medium current and 330 a 8%: high current. (ufp) pull- down resistor (rd=5.1k ?10% ) is connected to cc terminal. (drp) changing dfp and ufp is repeated frequently. [cc_det] cc_det has functions of attach / detach detection , plug orientation / cable twist detection , discovery and detect extension mode and usb type - c vbus current detection . attach / detach is detected with mon i toring voltage of cc terminal. when the voltage of cc terminal become under a threshold voltage at dfp, attach is detected. oppositely, when the voltage of cc ter minal become over a threshold voltage, detach is detected. when the voltage of cc terminal become over a threshold voltage at ufp, att ach is detected. cc1 cc2 cc det (cc terminal condition monitor) bb_phy (bbpd communication tx/rx) vconn_in control logic gnd gnd mcu receptacle rd rd port_cont ufp-clamp vbus_moni vbus mcu xcalmp1off xcalmp2off [vconnsw]power switch with ocp 5v downloaded from: http:/// bm92t50 mwv 15 / 28 tsz02201 - 0232aa000250 -1-2 30 , jul.2015, rev.001 ? 2015 rohm co., ltd. all rights reserved. tsz22111 ? 15 ? 001 www.rohm.com plug orientation and cable twist is detected from the relationship of two cc term inals. because only one wire is connected to rd, the difference between two cc terminals is generated. ufp can detect the maximum current of the power source by monitoring the voltage of cc terminal. it is possible to detect extension mode because dfp can detect ra at attach / detac h detection. [ufp_clamp] 1.1v clamp is used for ufp emulation at dead - battery condition. [vbus_moni] ufp detect attach / detach by existence of vbus voltage. vbusdet detects attach w hen vbus voltage over the threshold voltage. and it detects detach when vbus under the threshold voltage. [vconnsw] vconnsw is the power switch for vconn source. it has ocp (1.3atyp) function. [bb_phy] if type - c controller supports bbpd, cc terminal can output bbpd communication signal. (refer to bb_phy) downloaded from: http:/// bm92t50 mwv 16 / 28 tsz02201 - 0232aa000250 -1-2 30 , jul.2015, rev.001 ? 2015 rohm co., ltd. all rights reserved. tsz22111 ? 15 ? 001 www.rohm.com 5.6.2 electrical characteristics t able 5 - 6. cc_phy characteristics item symbol limit unit comment min typ max [ port_cont characteristics] u nless otherwise specified ta=25 c, vsvr=vex=vb=5v, vconn_in=5v, vddio=3.3v, gnd=0v, bypass capacitor (vccin)=4.7 f, bypass capacitors (ldo28cap, ldo15dcap, ldo15acap) =1 f input analog pins: cc1, cc2, vconn_in pull up current 1 ccpup1 64 80 96 a ta = - 30 105 c pull up current 2 ccpup2 166 180 194 a ta = - 30 105 c pull up current 3 ccpup3 304 330 356 a ta = - 30 105 c pull down resistor ccpdn 4.6 5.1 5.6 k ta = - 30 105 c [ufp_clamp characteristics] u nless otherwise specified ta=25c, vsvr=vex=vb=5v, vconn_in=5v, vddio=3.3v, gnd=0v, bypass capacitor(vccin)=4.7f, bypass capacitors(ldo28cap, ldo15dcap, ldo15acap) =1f input analog pins: cc1, cc2, vconn_in ccx terminal input impedance cczin 126 - - k ccx clamp voltage ccclp 0. 7 - 1.3 v iin=80 to 330 a [ vbus moni ] u nless otherwise specified ta=25c, vsvr=vex=vb=5v, vconn_in=5v, vddio=3.3v, gnd=0v, bypass capacitor(vccin)=4.7f, bypass capacitors(ldo28cap, ldo15dcap, ldo15acap) =1f input analog pins: cc1, cc2, vconn_in vbus presence detection level ccvbdet - 3.42 - v [ vconnsw ] u nless otherwise specified ta=25c, vsvr=vex=vb=5v, vconn_in=5v, vddio=3.3v, gnd=0v, bypass capacitor(vccin)=4.7f, bypass capacitors(ldo28cap, ldo15dcap, ldo15acap) =1f input analog pins: cc1, cc2, vconn_in vconn_in to ccx resistance ccvcr - - 50 0 m over current protection level ccvcocp 1. 1 - - a [bb_phy] u nless otherwise specified ta=25c, vsvr=vex=vb=5v, vconn_in=5v, vddio=3.3v, gnd=0v, bypass capacitor(vccin)=4.7f, bypass capacitors(ldo28cap, ldo15dcap, ldo15acap) =1f input analog pins: cc1, cc2, vconn_in tx bcm frequency fbbtx 300 khz tx voltage output h level bbvoh 1.05 - 1.2 v tx voltage output l level bbvol 0 - 75 mv rx voltage input h level bbvih - 0.6 0.65 v rx voltage input l level bbvil 0.45 0.5 - v downloaded from: http:/// bm92t50 mwv 17 / 28 tsz02201 - 0232aa000250 -1-2 30 , jul.2015, rev.001 ? 2015 rohm co., ltd. all rights reserved. tsz22111 ? 15 ? 001 www.rohm.com 5.7 voltage detection 5.7.1 outline vdet block detects the voltage level of vbus or vex. it can detect follow condit ions; (1) the voltage over the protection level, (2) the voltage over the setting range and (3) the voltage under the setting range. - vbus or vex v oltage detection for pdo of usb - pd spec. - ovp (over voltage protection) detection: vnom +20%typ - ovr (over voltage range) detection: vnom +5%typ - uvr (under voltage range) detection: vnom - 5%typ f igure 5 - 4. voltage detection block diagram 5.7.2 electrical characteristics t able 5 - 7. voltage detection characteristics item symbol limit unit comment min typ max [vdet characteristics] u nless otherwise specified ta=25 c, vsvr=vex=vb=5v, vconn_in=vccin, vddio=3.3v, gnd=0v, bypass capacitor (vccin)=4.7 f, bypass capacitors (ldo28cap, ldo15dcap, ldo15acap) =1 f, vnom=5v input analog pins: vex, vb over voltage protection detection rate ovp 17 20 23 % s tandard voltage=vnom over voltage range detection rate ovr 3 5 7 % s tandard voltage=vnom under voltage range detection rate uvr -7 -5 -3 % s tandard voltage=vnom vbus vex voltage selector variable reference voltage +- +- +- ovp detection ovr detection uvr detection downloaded from: http:/// bm92t50 mwv 18 / 28 tsz02201 - 0232aa000250 -1-2 30 , jul.2015, rev.001 ? 2015 rohm co., ltd. all rights reserved. tsz22111 ? 15 ? 001 www.rohm.com 5.8 vbus d ischarge 5.8.1 outline nmos switch is prepared for vbus discharging. f igure 5- 5. vbus d ischarge block diagram 5.8.2 electrical characteristics t able 5 - 8. vbus discharge characteristics item symbol limit unit comment min typ max [discharge characteristics] u nless otherwise specified ta=25 c, vsvr=vex=vb=5v, vconn_in=vccin, vddio=3.3v, gnd=0v, bypass capacitor (vccin)=4.7 f, bypass capacitors (ldo28cap, ldo15dcap, ldo15acap) =1 f input analog pins: dschg discharge resistor rdschg - 25 - dschg discharge control gnd vbus line downloaded from: http:/// bm92t50 mwv 19 / 28 tsz02201 - 0232aa000250 -1-2 30 , jul.2015, rev.001 ? 2015 rohm co., ltd. all rights reserved. tsz22111 ? 15 ? 001 www.rohm.com 5.9 power fet gate driver (sink & source) 5.9.1 outline fet gate driver is the nmos switch driver for power line switch. - external nch - fet gate control: s1, s2 - one of two dc input selection f igure 5- 6. power fet gate driver block diagram 5.9.2 electrical characteristics t able 5 - 9. power fet gate driver characteristics item symbol limit unit comment min typ max [ discharge characteristics] u nless otherwise specified ta=25 c, vsvr=vex=vb=5v, vconn_in=vccin, vddio=3.3v, gnd=0v, bypass capacitor (vccin)=4.7 f, bypass capacitors (ldo28cap, ldo15dcap, ldo15acap) =1 f input analog pins: s1_drv_src, s2_drv_src output analog pins: s1_drv_g1, s1_drv_g2, s2_drv_g1, s2_drv_g2 fet cont rol voltage between gate and source vgs - 6.0 - v s1_drv_g1 C s1_drv_src s1_drv_g2 C s1_drv_src s2_drv_g1 C s2_drv_src s2_drv_g2 C s2_drv_src s1_drv_g1 s1_drv_src s1_drv_g2 s2_drv_g1 s2_drv_src s2_drv_g2 charge pump charge pump charge pump charge pump in in out out in in out out downloaded from: http:/// bm92t50 mwv 20 / 28 tsz02201 - 0232aa000250 -1-2 30 , jul.2015, rev.001 ? 2015 rohm co., ltd. all rights reserved. tsz22111 ? 15 ? 001 www.rohm.com 5.10 acdc bridge 5.10.1 outline bridge block is acdc bridge function block. it has an error amplifier and c urrent sensing comparator. - error amplifier for acdc (for fly - back dcdc secondary side): 0 to 25.6v / 50mv step (from pdo) - current s ensing: 0 to 10.24a / 10ma step (from pdo) figure 5 - 7. acdc bridge block diagram 5.10.2 electrical characteristics t able 5 - 10. acdc bridge characteristics item symbol limit unit comment min typ max [ discharge characteristics] u nless otherwise specified ta=25 c, vsvr=vex=vb=5v, vconn_in=vccin, vddio=3.3v, gnd=0v, bypass capacitor (vccin)=4.7 f, bypass capacitors (ldo28cap, ldo15dcap, ldo15acap) =1 f input analog pins: vex, vb, csensep, csensen output analog pins: fbc, vdiv pdo voltage setting range brdvr 5 - 20 v pdo voltage setting step brdvs - 50 - mv feedback current threshold voltage (pdo=vnom) brdvth vnom - 2% vnom vnom +2% v vex= up trans conductance brdtc - 1 - s ifb/ vex maximum feedback current brdimax 2 - - ma ta = - 30 to 105 c pdo current setting range brdir 0 - 5 a pdo current setting step brdis - 10 - ma current sense detecting rate (*1) (pdo=inom) brdccs - inom x 1.2 - a (*1)minimum brdccs value is 1.2a. for example , when pd o is 0.5a , brdcc s value is not 0.5a 1.2 , brdcc s value is 1.2a . vbus vex voltage selector variable reference voltage +- +- ocp detection csensen csensep vdiv fbc vccin downloaded from: http:/// bm92t50 mwv 21 / 28 tsz02201 - 0232aa000250 -1-2 30 , jul.2015, rev.001 ? 2015 rohm co., ltd. all rights reserved. tsz22111 ? 15 ? 001 www.rohm.com 5.11 power on sequence f igure 5 - 8. power on sequence vsvr (vex/vb) 0v 5.0v vccin 0v 2.8v ldo28cap 5.0v ldo15a/dcap 0v 1.5v por l h 2.0v 2.8v vccinuvlo vref28ok osc (hw wake up complete) u8_en ram eepromload start end ldo15ok 2.8v downloaded from: http:/// bm92t50 mwv 22 / 28 tsz02201 - 0232aa000250 -1-2 30 , jul.2015, rev.001 ? 2015 rohm co., ltd. all rights reserved. tsz22111 ? 15 ? 001 www.rohm.com 5.12 power off sequence f igure 5 - 9. power off sequence vsvr (vex/vb) vccin ldo28cap ldo15a/dcap por vccinuvlo vref28ok osc u8_en ram ldo15ok 0v 5.0v 0v 2.8v 5.0v 0v 1.5v l h 2.8v 2.8v reset downloaded from: http:/// bm92t50 mwv 23 / 28 tsz02201 - 0232aa000250 -1-2 30 , jul.2015, rev.001 ? 2015 rohm co., ltd. all rights reserved. tsz22111 ? 15 ? 001 www.rohm.com 5.13 i/o equivalen ce circuit pin no. pin name equivalent circuit diagram 6 9 28 vsvr vb vex pin 7 dschg pin 5 vccin internal circuit pin 16 17 15 14 10 11 12 13 gpio 0(vin_en) gpio 1(alert#) dbgmoddt dbgrstck gpio4(upscs) gpio5(upsdin) gpio6(upsdo) gpio7(upsclk) vddio vddio vddio pin vccin vccin vccin pin gpio4gpio5 gpio6 gpio7 29 gpo 2_vdiv pin 30 gpo 3_fb pin 18 vddio i/o interface circuit pin downloaded from: http:/// bm92t50 mwv 24 / 28 tsz02201 - 0232aa000250 -1-2 30 , jul.2015, rev.001 ? 2015 rohm co., ltd. all rights reserved. tsz22111 ? 15 ? 001 www.rohm.com 32 31 csensep csensen pin csensep pin csensen 19 21 s mdata smclk vddio pin 32 22 23 24 25 26 s2_drv_g1 s2_drv_src s2_drv_g2 s1_drv_g1 s1_drv_src s1_drv_g2 sx_drv_src pin pin sx_drv_g1sx_drv_g2 33 34 xclpoff1 xclpoff2 pin 35 37 cc1 cc2 pin downloaded from: http:/// bm92t50 mwv 25 / 28 tsz02201 - 0232aa000250 -1-2 30 , jul.2015, rev.001 ? 2015 rohm co., ltd. all rights reserved. tsz22111 ? 15 ? 001 www.rohm.com 36 vconn_in pin 4 xrst vccin vccin pin 38 40 ldo15dcap ldo15acap internal circuit pin 39 ldo28cap internal circuit pin 2 vstr /atst 2 pin 3 idsel/atst1 pin downloaded from: http:/// bm92t50 mwv 26 / 28 tsz02201 - 0232aa000250 -1-2 30 , jul.2015, rev.001 ? 2015 rohm co., ltd. all rights reserved. tsz22111 ? 15 ? 001 www.rohm.com 6 application example BM92T50MWV uqfn40v5050a vconn_in xclpoff2 dschg cc1cc2 gnd gnd ldo15dcap ldo28cap ldo15acap gnd vccin csensep csensen usb type-c receptacle vbus cc1cc2 gnd sgnd vddio vb sgnd s1_drv_g1 s1_drv_g2 vex s1_drv_src sgnd sgnd vccin xclpoff1 sgnd shell_gnd vstr/atst2 dbgmoddtdbgrstck idsel/atst1 xrst vsvr sgnd s2_drv_g1s2_drv_src s2_drv_g2 sgnd sgnd sgnd smdata smclk for test sgnd sgnd vccin spi-if gpio1(alert#) gpio0(vout_en)gpio4(upscs gpo3 gpo2 gnd power supply for prov (5v) power supply for prov (12v 20v) power supply for vconn ec-if power supply 3.3v gpio7(upsclk/d2 gpio6(upsdo/d1 gpio5(upsdin/d0 1 f 1 f 1 f 1 f 1k 10 f 0.01 f 1 f 1 f 1 f 1 f 100 k 10 k 10 k 100 k 100 k 100 k 100 k 100 k 100 k 100 k 100 k 100 k 100k 100k 0.01 f 10m c vccin q1 q2 q3 q4 c q2 c q1 c q4 c q3 r q2 r q1 r q4 r q3 6.1 selection of components externally connected item symbol min typ max unit comment vccin capacitance (*) c vccin 2.2 4.7 10 f sx_drv(*) gate - source capacitance c qx 220p - 0.5 f (*) please set the capacity of the condenser not to be less than the minimum in consideration of temperature properties, dc bias properties . regard to the value of r qx, please be determined by the value of gate - source capacitance of q x and the value of vsrcslewpos , which are written on power delivery specification revision2.0 version1.0 7 function description please refer to the technical note 8 application circuits for different firmware types please refer to the technical note downloaded from: http:/// bm92t50 mwv 27 / 28 tsz02201 - 0232aa000250 -1-2 30 , jul.2015, rev.001 ? 2015 rohm co., ltd. all rights reserved. tsz22111 ? 15 ? 001 www.rohm.com 9 operational notes (1) reverse c onnection of p ower s upply connecting the power supply in reverse polarity can damage the ic. take pr ecautions against reverse polarity when connecting the power supply, such as mounting an external diode between the power supply and the ic s power supply pin s. (2) power s upply l ines design the pcb layout pattern to provide low impedance supply lines. s eparate the ground and supply lines of the digital and analog blocks to prevent noise in the ground and supply lines of the digital block from affecti ng the ana log block . furthermore, connect a capacitor to ground at all power supply pins . consider the effect of temperature and aging on the capacitance value when using electrolytic capacitors. (3) g round voltage ensure that no pins are at a voltage below that of the ground pin at any time, even during transient condition. (4) g round w iring p attern when using both small - signal and large - current ground traces, the two ground traces should be routed separately but connected to a single ground at the reference point of the application board to avoid fluc tuations in the small - signal ground caused by large currents. also ensure that the ground traces of external components do not caus e variations on the ground voltage. the ground lines must be as short and thick as possible to reduce line impedance. (5) thermal c onsideration should by any chance the power dissipation rating be exceeded the rise in temperature o f the chip may result in deterioration of the properties of the chip. in case of exceeding this absolute maximum rating, increase the board size and copper area to prevent exceeding the pd rating. (6) recommended o perating c onditions these conditions represent a range within which the expected characteristics of the ic can be approximately obtained . the e lectrical characteristics are guaranteed under the conditions of each parameter . (7) inrush current when power is first supplied to the ic, it is possible that the internal logic may be u nstable and inrush current may flow instantaneously due to the internal powering sequence and delays, especially if the ic has more than one power supply. therefore, give special consideration to power coupling capacitance, power wiring, width of ground wiring, and routing of connections. (8) operation u nder s trong e lectromagneti c f ield operating the ic in the presence of a strong electromagnetic field may cause the ic to malfunction . (9) testing on a pplication b oards when testing the ic on an application board, connecting a capacitor directly to a l ow - impedance output pin may subject the ic to stress. always discharge capacitors completely after each process or step. the ic s power supply should always be turned off completely before connecting or removing it from the test setup during the inspection process . to prevent damage from static discharge, ground the ic during assembly and use similar precautions during transport and storage. downloaded from: http:/// bm92t50 mwv 28 / 28 tsz02201 - 0232aa000250 -1-2 30 , jul.2015, rev.001 ? 2015 rohm co., ltd. all rights reserved. tsz22111 ? 15 ? 001 www.rohm.com operational notes C continued (10) inter - pin short and mounting errors ensure that the direction and position are correct when mounting the ic on the pc b. incorrect mounting may result in damaging the ic. avoid nearby pins being shorted to each other especially to ground , power supply and output pin . inter - pin shorts could be due to many reasons such as metal particles, water droplets (in very humid environment) and uninte ntional solder bridge deposited in between pins during assembly to name a few. (11) unused input pins input pins of an ic are often connected to the gate of a mos transistor. the gate has extremely high impedance and extrem ely low capacitance. if left unconnected, the electric field from the outside can easily char ge it. the small charge acquired in this way is enough to produce a significant effect on the conduction through the transistor and cause unexpected oper ation of the ic. so unles s otherwise specified, unused input pins should be connected to the power supply or ground line. (12) regarding the i nput p in of the ic this monolithic ic contains p+ isolation and p substrate layers between adjacent elements in order t o keep them isolated. p - n junctions are formed at the intersection of the p layers with the n layers of other element s, creating a parasitic diode or t ransistor. for example (refer to figure below): when gnd > pin a and gnd > pin b, the p - n junction operates as a parasitic diode . when gnd > pin b, the p - n junction operates as a parasitic transistor. parasitic diodes inevitably occur in the structure of the ic. the operation of parasitic diodes can result in mutual interference among circuits, operational faults, or physical damage. therefore , conditions that cause these diodes to operate, such as applying a voltage lower than the gnd voltage to an input pin (and thus to the p substrate) should be avoided. fig ure xx. example of monolithic ic structure (13) ceramic capacitor when using a ceramic capacitor, determine the dielectric constant consideri ng the change of capacitance with temperature and the decrease in nominal capacitance due to dc bias and others. (14) area of safe operation (aso) operate the ic such that the output voltage, output current, and power dissipati on are all within the area of safe operation (aso). (15) over c urrent p rotection c ircuit (ocp) this ic incorporates an integrated overcurrent protection circuit that is activ ated when the load is shorted. this protection circuit is effective in preventing damage due to sudden and unexpected incidents. however, the ic should not be used in applic ations characterized by continuous operation or transitioning of the protection circuit. downloaded from: http:/// datasheet d a t a s h e e t notice-pga-e rev.001 ? 2015 rohm co., ltd. all rights reserved. notice precaution on using rohm products 1. our products are designed and manufac tured for application in ordinary elec tronic equipments (such as av equipment, oa equipment, telecommunication equipment, home electroni c appliances, amusement equipment, etc.). if you intend to use our products in devices requiring ex tremely high reliability (such as medical equipment (note 1) , transport equipment, traffic equipment, aircraft/spacecra ft, nuclear power controllers, fuel c ontrollers, car equipment including car accessories, safety devices, etc.) and whose malfunction or failure may cause loss of human life, bodily injury or serious damage to property (specific applications), please consult with the rohm sale s representative in advance. unless otherwise agreed in writing by rohm in advance, rohm shall not be in any way responsible or liable for any damages, expenses or losses incurred by you or third parties arising from the use of any ro hms products for specific applications. (note1) medical equipment classification of the specific applications japan usa eu china class class class b class class ? class 2. rohm designs and manufactures its products subject to strict quality control system. however, semiconductor products can fail or malfunction at a certain rate. please be sure to implement, at your own responsibilities, adequate safety measures including but not limited to fail-safe desi gn against the physical injury, damage to any property, which a failure or malfunction of our products may cause. the following are examples of safety measures: [a] installation of protection circuits or other protective devices to improve system safety [b] installation of redundant circuits to reduce the impact of single or multiple circuit failure 3. our products are designed and manufactured for use under standard conditions and not under any special or extraordinary environments or conditio ns, as exemplified below. accordin gly, rohm shall not be in any way responsible or liable for any damages, expenses or losses arising from the use of an y rohms products under any special or extraordinary environments or conditions. if you intend to use our products under any special or extraordinary environments or conditions (as exemplified below), your independent verification and confirmation of product performance, reliability, etc, prior to use, must be necessary: [a] use of our products in any types of liquid, incl uding water, oils, chemicals, and organic solvents [b] use of our products outdoors or in places where the products are exposed to direct sunlight or dust [c] use of our products in places where the products ar e exposed to sea wind or corrosive gases, including cl 2 , h 2 s, nh 3 , so 2 , and no 2 [d] use of our products in places where the products are exposed to static electricity or electromagnetic waves [e] use of our products in proximity to heat-producing components, plastic cords, or other flammable items [f] sealing or coating our products with resin or other coating materials [g] use of our products without cleaning residue of flux (ev en if you use no-clean type fluxes, cleaning residue of flux is recommended); or washing our products by using water or water-soluble cleaning agents for cleaning residue after soldering [h] use of the products in places subject to dew condensation 4. the products are not subjec t to radiation-proof design. 5. please verify and confirm characteristics of the final or mounted products in using the products. 6. in particular, if a transient load (a large amount of load applied in a short per iod of time, such as pulse. is applied, confirmation of performance characteristics after on-boar d mounting is strongly recomm ended. avoid applying power exceeding normal rated power; exceeding the power rating under steady-state loading c ondition may negatively affect product performance and reliability. 7. de-rate power dissipation (pd) depending on ambient temper ature (ta). when used in seal ed area, confirm the actual ambient temperature. 8. confirm that operation temperat ure is within the specified range described in the product specification. 9. rohm shall not be in any way responsible or liable for fa ilure induced under deviant condi tion from what is defined in this document. precaution for mounting / circuit board design 1. when a highly active halogenous (chlori ne, bromine, etc.) flux is used, the resi due of flux may negatively affect product performance and reliability. 2. in principle, the reflow soldering method must be used on a surface-mount products, the flow soldering method must be used on a through hole mount products. if the flow sol dering method is preferred on a surface-mount products, please consult with the rohm representative in advance. for details, please refer to rohm mounting specification downloaded from: http:/// datasheet d a t a s h e e t notice-pga-e rev.001 ? 2015 rohm co., ltd. all rights reserved. precautions regarding application examples and external circuits 1. if change is made to the constant of an external circuit, pl ease allow a sufficient margin considering variations of the characteristics of the products and external components, including transient characteri stics, as well as static characteristics. 2. you agree that application notes, re ference designs, and associated data and in formation contained in this document are presented only as guidance for products use. theref ore, in case you use such information, you are solely responsible for it and you must exercise your own indepen dent verification and judgment in the use of such information contained in this document. rohm shall not be in any way responsible or liable for any damages, expenses or losses incurred by you or third parties arising from the use of such information. precaution for electrostatic this product is electrostatic sensitive product, which may be damaged due to electrostatic discharge. please take proper caution in your manufacturing process and storage so that voltage exceeding t he products maximum rating will not be applied to products. please take special care under dry condit ion (e.g. grounding of human body / equipment / solder iron, isolation from charged objects, se tting of ionizer, friction prevention and temperature / humidity control). precaution for storage / transportation 1. product performance and soldered connections may deteriora te if the products are stor ed in the places where: [a] the products are exposed to sea winds or corros ive gases, including cl2, h2s, nh3, so2, and no2 [b] the temperature or humidity exceeds those recommended by rohm [c] the products are exposed to di rect sunshine or condensation [d] the products are exposed to high electrostatic 2. even under rohm recommended storage c ondition, solderability of products out of recommended storage time period may be degraded. it is strongly recommended to confirm sol derability before using products of which storage time is exceeding the recommended storage time period. 3. store / transport cartons in the co rrect direction, which is indicated on a carton with a symbol. otherwise bent leads may occur due to excessive stress applied when dropping of a carton. 4. use products within the specified time after opening a humidity barrier bag. baking is required before using products of which storage time is exceeding the recommended storage time period. precaution for product label qr code printed on rohm products label is for rohms internal use only. precaution for disposition when disposing products please dispose them proper ly using an authorized industry waste company. precaution for foreign exchange and foreign trade act since concerned goods might be fallen under listed items of export control prescribed by foreign exchange and foreign trade act, please consult with rohm in case of export. precaution regarding intellectual property rights 1. all information and data including but not limited to application example contained in this document is for reference only. rohm does not warrant that foregoi ng information or data will not infringe any intellectual property rights or any other rights of any third party regarding such information or data. 2. rohm shall not have any obligations where the claims, actions or demands arising from the co mbination of the products with other articles such as components, circuits, systems or external equipment (including software). 3. no license, expressly or implied, is granted hereby under any intellectual property rights or other rights of rohm or any third parties with respect to the products or the informati on contained in this document. pr ovided, however, that rohm will not assert its intellectual property rights or other rights against you or your customers to the extent necessary to manufacture or sell products containing the produc ts, subject to the terms and conditions herein. other precaution 1. this document may not be reprinted or reproduced, in whol e or in part, without prior written consent of rohm. 2. the products may not be disassembled, converted, modified, reproduced or otherwise changed without prior written consent of rohm. 3. in no event shall you use in any wa y whatsoever the products and the related technical information contained in the products or this document for any military purposes, incl uding but not limited to, the development of mass-destruction weapons. 4. the proper names of companies or products described in this document are trademarks or registered trademarks of rohm, its affiliated companies or third parties. downloaded from: http:/// datasheet datasheet notice C we rev.001 ? 201 5 rohm co., ltd. all rights reserved. general precaution 1. before you use our pro ducts, you are requested to care fully read this document and fully understand its contents. rohm shall n ot be in an y way responsible or liabl e for fa ilure, malfunction or acci dent arising from the use of a ny rohms products against warning, caution or note contained in this document. 2. all information contained in this docume nt is current as of the issuing date and subj ec t to change without any prior notice. before purchasing or using rohms products, please confirm the la test information with a rohm sale s representative. 3. the information contained in this doc ument is provi ded on an as is basis and rohm does not warrant that all information contained in this document is accurate an d/or error-free. rohm shall not be in an y way responsible or liable for an y damages, expenses or losses incurred b y you or third parties resulting from inaccur acy or errors of or concerning such information. downloaded from: http:/// |
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