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  silego technology, inc. rev 1.0 000-00055583-10 revised october 7, 2011 usb host charger identification analog switches SLG55583 SLG55583a block diagram general description the SLG55583/SLG55583a is a usb device that combines high speed usb switches with a usb host charger (dedicated charger) identification circuit. the device supports both the latest usb battery charging specification revision 1.2 in- cluding data contact detection and a set resistor bias for ap- ple compliant devices as well as legacy usb d+/d- short de- tection using data line pull-up. the SLG55583/SLG55583a can also support cdp mode (fast charging and data communication available mode if smartphone can support cdp mode.) the SLG55583/SLG55583a can also support low speed / full speed mouse/keyboard wake-up from s3 mode. features ? high speed usb switching ? low 4.0pf (typ) on capacitance ? low 4.0 (typ) on resistance ? low 0.5 (typ) on resistance flatness ? 4.5v to 5.5v supply range ? low supply current ? automatic current-limit switch control ? automatic usb charger identification circuit ? cdp support (active usb 2.0 data communication with 1.5a charging) ? apple ipad2 @ 2 a charging current support ? automatic cdp/sdp mode support with smart-cdp=1 for "always data communication" ? pb-free / rohs compliant ? halogen-free ? tdfn-8 package pin configuration - SLG55583 pin configuration - SLG55583a vdd smart-cdp tdp tdm cb dp dm cen# 2 3 45 6 7 8 1 thermal pad connected to gnd tdfn-8 (top view) vdd smart-cdp tdp tdm cb dp dm cen 2 3 45 6 7 8 1 thermal pad connected to gnd tdfn-8 (top view) fsm logic one shot + - v ref1 + - v ref1 cen# or cen cb dm dp + - v ref2 fet v dd tdp tdm resistor divider resistor divider smart-cdp
000-00055583-10 page 2 of 10 SLG55583 SLG55583a pin description - SLG55583 pin description - SLG55583a pin # name type description 1 cen# output p-fet open drain output. current limi t switch (cls) control output. cb changes from 0 to 1 or 1 to 0. cen# will be high for 2 seconds (typ) 2 dm input/output usb connector d- 3 dp input/output usb connector d+ 4 smart-cdp input input control logic (see truth table) 5 vdd pwr power supply. connect a 0.1 f capacitor between vdd and gnd as close as possible to the device. 6 tdp input/output host usb transceiver d+ connection 7 tdm input/output host usb transceiver d- connection 8 cb input switch control bit 0 = autodetection charge r identification active 1 = charging downstream port with active usb2.0 data communication mode with 1.5a support 9 thermal pad gnd ground pin # name type description 1 cen output n-fet open drain output. current limi t switch (cls) control output. cb changes from 0 to 1 or 1 to 0. cen will be low for 2 seconds (typ) 2 dm input/output usb connector d- 3 dp input/output usb connector d+ 4 smart-cdp input input control logic (see truth table) 5 vdd pwr power supply. connect a 0.1 f capacitor between vdd and gnd as close as possible to the device. 6 tdp input/output host usb transceiver d+ connection 7 tdm input/output host usb transceiver d- connection 8 cb input switch control bit 0 = autodetection charge r identification active 1 = charging downstream port with active usb2.0 data communication mode with 1.5a support 9 thermal pad gnd ground truth table cb smart-cdp function 0 x dcp autodetect with mouse/keyboard wakeup 1 0 s0 charging with sdp only 1 1 s0 charging with cdp or sdp only (depending on external device) and, when non-cdp phone is plugged in, the cdp mode will be changed automatically to sdp mode during handshaking protocol for supporting data communication. ordering information part number type SLG55583v tdfn-8 SLG55583av tdfn-8 SLG55583vtr tdfn-8 - tape and reel SLG55583avtr tdfn-8 - tape and reel
000-00055583-10 page 3 of 10 SLG55583 SLG55583a absolute maximum conditions parameter min. max. unit supply voltage -0.3 6.0 v continuous current into any terminal -30 +30 ma continuous power dissipation -- 954 mw operating temperature range -40 85 c junction temperature 150 c storage temperature range -65 150 c lead temperature (soldering, 10s) 260 c electrical characteristics - power supply v dd = 4.5v to 5.5v, t a = 25 c (unless specified otherwise) symbol parameter condition/note min. typ. max. unit v dd power supply range v cb > v ih 4.5 5.0 5.5 v v cb = 0v 4.75 -- 5.25 v i dd supply current v dd = 5v cb = low, smart-cdp = x (autodetect with wakeup) -- 120 140 a cb = high, smart- = low (sdp) -- 20 30 a cb = high, smart- = high (cdp) -- 40 70 a electrical characteristics - analog switch v dd = 4.5v to 5.5v, t a = 25 c (unless specified otherwise) symbol parameter condition/note min. typ. max. unit v dp , v dm analog signal range 0 -- v dd v r on on resistance tdp/tdm switch v dd = -0.4v to 0.4v, i = 10ma -- 3.5 -- v dp = v dm = 0v to v dd v dd = 5v -- 4.0 7 r on on resistance match be - tween channels tdp/tdm switch v dd = 5.0v v dp = v dm = 400mv i dp = i dm = 10ma -- 0.1 -- r flat on resistance flatness tdp/tdm switch v dd = 5.0v v dp = v dm = 0v to v dd i dp = i dm = 10ma -- 0.5 -- r short on resistance of tdp/tdm short v cb = 0v v dp = 1v i dp = i dm = 10ma -- 50 70 i tdpoff , i tdmoff off-leakage current v dd = 3.6v v dp = v dm = 0.3v to 3.3v v tdp = v tdm = 3.3v to 0.3v v cb = 0v -250 -- 250 na i dpon , i dmon off-leakage current v dd = 3.6v v dp = v dm = 3.3v to 0.3v v cb = v dd -250 -- 250 na
000-00055583-10 page 4 of 10 SLG55583 SLG55583a electrical characteristics - dynamic performance v dd = 4.5v to 5.5v, t a = 25 c (unless specified otherwise) symbol parameter condition/note min. typ. max. unit t on turn on time v tdp or v tdm = 1.5v r l = 300 c l = 35pf --? 20 100 s t off turn off time v tdp or v tdm = 1.5v r l = 300 c l = 35pf --? 1 5 s t plh , t phl tdp/tdm switch propaga - tion delay r l = r s = 50 -- 60 -- ps t skew output skew skew between dp and dm when connected to tdp and tdm r l = r s = 50 -- 40 -- ps c off tdp/tdm off-capacitance f = 1mhz --? 2.0 -- pf c on dp/dm on-capacitance f = 240mhz --? 4.0 5.5 pf bw -3db bandwidth r l = r s = 50 -- 1000 -- mhz v iso off-isolation v tdp, v dp = 0dbm r l = r s =5 0 f = 250mhz -- -20 -- db v ct crosstalk v tdp, v dp = 0dbm r l = r s = 50 f = 250mhz -- -25 -- db electrical characteristics - internal resistors v dd = 4.5v to 5.5v, t a = 25 c (unless specified otherwise) symbol parameter condition/note min. typ. max. unit r pd dp/dm short pull-down 350 500 700 k rt rp rp1/rp2 ratio 1.485 1.5 1.515 ratio r rp rp1 + rp2 resistance 93.75 125.0 156.25 k rt rm rm1/rm2 ratio 0.8544 0.863 0.872 ratio r rm rm1 + rm2 resistance 69.75 93.0 115.18 k electrical characteristics - logic input cb v dd = 4.5v to 5.5v, t a = 25 c (unless specified otherwise) symbol parameter condition/note min. typ. max. unit v ih cb input logic high 1.4 -- -- v v il cb input logic low -- -- 0.4 v i in cb input leakage current v dd = 5.5v 0 v cb v il or v ih v cb v dd -1 -- 1 a
000-00055583-10 page 5 of 10 SLG55583 SLG55583a electrical characteristics - logic input smart-cdp v dd = 4.5v to 5.5v, t a = 25 c (unless specified otherwise) symbol parameter condition/note min. typ. max. unit v ih smart-cdp input logic high 3.0 -- -- v v il smart-cdp input logic low -- -- 0.8 v i in smart-cdp input leakage current v dd = 5.5v 0v < v smart-cdp < v il or v ih < v smart-cdp < v dd -1 -- 1 a electrical characteristics - cen#/cen outputs v dd = 4.5v to 5.5v, t a = 25 c (unless specified otherwise) symbol parameter condition/note min. typ. max. unit t vbt v bus toggle time cb = logic 0 to logic 1 or logic 1 to logic 0 1.5 2.0 2.5 s v oh_cen# cen# output logic high voltage cb = logic 0 to logic 1 i source = 2ma v dd -0.4v -- -- v i out_cen# cen# output leakage cur - rent v dd = 5.5v v cen# = 0v or cen# deasserted -- -- 1 a v ol_cen cen output logic low volt - age cb = logic 0 to logic 1 i sink = 2ma -- -- 0.4v v i out_cen cen output leakage cur - rent v dd = 5.5v v cen = 5.5v or cen deasserted -- -- 1 a electrical characteristics - esd protection v dd = 4.5v to 5.5v, t a = 25 c (unless specified otherwise) symbol parameter condition/note min. typ. max. unit v esd esd protection level (dp and dm only) human body model -- 8 -- kv v esd esd protection level (all other pins) human body model -- 2 -- kv
000-00055583-10 page 6 of 10 SLG55583 SLG55583a cen function waveform cen# function waveform cen cb 2s cen# cb 2s
000-00055583-10 page 7 of 10 SLG55583 SLG55583a package top marking system definition part id assembly code datecode lot revision 8 7 6 5 1 2 3 4 ? part id field: identifies the specific device configuration ? assembly code field: assembly location of the device. ? date code field: coded date of manufacture ? lot code: designates lot # ? revision code: device revision xx a dd l r
000-00055583-10 page 8 of 10 SLG55583 SLG55583a package drawing and dimensions 8 lead tdfn package d e a b c 0.15 c 0.15 a1 a3 a2 a detail a b c 0.10 a b m c 0.05 m detail b symbol min (mm) nom (mm) max (mm) 0.70 0.75 0.80 a 0.00 -- 0.05 a1 -- 0.55 -- a2 -- 0.20 -- a3 0.20 0.25 0.30 b 1.90 2.00 2.10 d 1.50 1.60 1.70 d2 1.90 2.00 2.10 e 0.80 0.90 1.00 e2 0.50 bsc e 0.20 0.30 0.40 l seating plane detail a c 0.10 c 0.08 c d2 pin 1 0.25x45 l detail b e2 e
000-00055583-10 page 9 of 10 SLG55583 SLG55583a tape and reel specifications carrier tape drawing and dimensions package type # of pins nominal package size [mm] max units reel & hub size [mm] leader (min) trailer (min) tape width [mm] part pitch [mm] per reel per box pockets length [mm] pockets length [mm] tdfn 8l green 8 2 x 2 x 0.75 3,000 3,000 178 / 60 42 168 42 168 8 4 package type pocket btm length pocket btm width pocket depth index hole pitch pocket pitch index hole diameter index hole to tape edge index hole to pocket center tape width a0 b0 k0 p0 p1 d0 e f w tdfn 8l green 2.3 2.3 1.05 4 4 1.55 1.75 3.5 8 p1 w e p0 a0 d0 y y b0 k0 section y-y c l f
000-00055583-10 page 10 of 10 SLG55583 SLG55583a silego website & support silego technology website silego technology provides online support via our website at .this website is used as a means to make files and information easily available to customers. for more information regarding silego green products, please visit: products are also available for purchase directly from silego at the silego online store at . silego technical support datasheets and errata, application notes and example designs, user guides, and hardware support documents and the latest software releases are available at the sil ego website or can be r equested directly at . for specific greenpak design or applications ques tions and support please send email requests to users of silego products can receive assistance through several channels: online live support silego technology has live video technical assistance and sales support available at . please ask our live web receptionist to schedule a 1 on 1 traini ng session with one of our application engineers. contact your local sales representative customers can contact their local sales re presentative or field application engineer (fae) for support. local sales offices are also available to help customers. more information regarding your lo cal representative is available at the silego website or send a request to contact silego directly silego can be contacted directly via e-mail at or user submission form, located at the following url: other information the latest silego technology press releases, listing of seminars and events, listings of world wide silego technology offices a nd representatives are all available at this product has been designed and qualified for the consumer market. applications or uses as critical components in life support devices or systems are not author ized. silego technology does not assume any liability arising out of such appli - cations or uses of its products. silego technology reserves the right to im prove product design, f unctions and reliability without notice .

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