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  cld-ct942.005 product family data sheet cree ? 5-mm round led c512a-wns/wnn copyright ? 2010 cree, inc. all rights reserved. the information in this document is subject to change without notice. cree, the cree logo and xlamp are registered trademarks of cree, inc. product description round leds offer superior light out - put for excellent readability in sun - light and dependable performance. they provide extremely stable light output over long periods of time. these lamps are made with an advanced optical grade epoxy offering superior high temperature and high moisture resistance performance in lighting and illumination applications. features ? size (mm): 5 ? color temperatures: cool white : min . (4600k) / typical (9000k) ? luminous intensit y (mcd) c512a -wns/wnn: (8200-32900) ? viewing angle: c512a-wns/wnn: 25 degree ? lead-free ? rohs compliant cree, inc. 4600 silicon drive durham, nc 27703 usa tel: +1.919.313.5300 copyright ? 2014 cree, inc. all rights reserved. the information in this document is subject to change without notice. cree and the cree logo are registered trademarks of cree, inc. cree, inc. 4600 silicon drive durham, nc 27703 usa tel: +1.919.313.5300 applications ? torch ? light strip ? channel letter ? retail display lighting
copyright ? 2010 cree, inc. all rights reserved. the information in this document is subject to change without notice. cree, the cree logo and xlamp are registered trademarks of cree, inc. 2 copyright ? 2014 cree, inc. all rights reserved. the information in this document is subject to change without notice. cree and the cree logo are registered trademarks of cree, inc. 2 cree 5-mm round led c512a-wns/wnn absolute maximum ratings (t a = 25c) items symbol absolute maximum rating unit forward current i f 25 ma peak forward current note i fp 100 ma reverse voltage v r 5 v power dissipation p d 100 mw operation temperature t opr -40 ~ +95 c storage temperature t stg -40 ~ +100 c lead soldering temperature t sol max. 260c for 3 sec. max. (3 mm from the base of the epoxy bulb) note: pulse width 0.1 msec, duty 1/10. typical electrical & optical characteristics (t a = 25c) characteristics color symbol condition unit minimum typical maximum forward voltage wns/wnn v f i f = 20 ma v 3.2 4.0 reverse current wns/wnn i r v r = 5 v a 100 luminous intensity wns/wnn i v i f = 20 ma mcd 8200 18000 chromaticity coordinates wns/wnn x i f = 20 ma 0.2877 y i f = 20 ma 0.2831 50% power angle wns/wnn 2? i f = 20 ma deg 25
copyright ? 2010 cree, inc. all rights reserved. the information in this document is subject to change without notice. cree, the cree logo and xlamp are registered trademarks of cree, inc. 3 copyright ? 2014 cree, inc. all rights reserved. the information in this document is subject to change without notice. cree and the cree logo are registered trademarks of cree, inc. 3 cree 5-mm round led c512a-wns/wnn ? tolerance of measurement of luminous intensity is 15% cool white(c512a-wns/wnn) bin code min.(mcd) max.(mcd) z0 8200 12000 a0 12000 16800 b0 16800 23500 c0 23500 32900 cool white(c512a-wns/wnn) bin code min.(v) max.(v) 27 2.8 3.0 28 3.0 3.2 29 3.2 3.4 2a 3.4 3.6 2b 3.6 3.8 2c 3.8 4.0 ? tolerance of measurement of vf is 0.05v. intensity bin limit (i f = 20 ma ) vf bin limit (i f = 20 ma )
copyright ? 2010 cree, inc. all rights reserved. the information in this document is subject to change without notice. cree, the cree logo and xlamp are registered trademarks of cree, inc. 4 copyright ? 2014 cree, inc. all rights reserved. the information in this document is subject to change without notice. cree and the cree logo are registered trademarks of cree, inc. 4 cree 5-mm round led c512a-wns/wnn ? tolerance of measurement of the color coordinates is 0.01. color bin limit (i f = 20 ma ) bin code sub- bin x y w1 wa1 0.2449 0.2288 0.2497 0.2384 0.2543 0.2356 0.2497 0.2267 wa2 0.2497 0.2267 0.2543 0.2356 0.2589 0.2328 0.2545 0.2245 wa3 0.2497 0.2384 0.2545 0.2480 0.2589 0.2445 0.2543 0.2356 wa4 0.2543 0.2356 0.2589 0.2445 0.2633 0.2410 0.2589 0.2328 wb1 0.2545 0.2245 0.2589 0.2328 0.2635 0.2299 0.2593 0.2223 wb2 0.2593 0.2223 0.2635 0.2299 0.2680 0.2270 0.2640 0.2200 wb3 0.2589 0.2328 0.2633 0.2410 0.2677 0.2375 0.2635 0.2299 wb4 0.2635 0.2299 0.2677 0.2375 0.2720 0.2340 0.2680 0.2270 bin code sub- bin x y w1 wc1 0.2545 0.2480 0.2593 0.2575 0.2635 0.2534 0.2589 0.2445 wc2 0.2589 0.2445 0.2635 0.2534 0.2677 0.2493 0.2633 0.2410 wc3 0.2593 0.2575 0.2640 0.2670 0.2680 0.2623 0.2635 0.2534 wc4 0.2635 0.2534 0.2680 0.2623 0.2720 0.2575 0.2677 0.2493 wd1 0.2633 0.2410 0.2677 0.2493 0.2718 0.2451 0.2677 0.2375 wd2 0.2677 0.2375 0.2718 0.2451 0.2760 0.2410 0.2720 0.2340 wd3 0.2677 0.2493 0.2720 0.2575 0.2760 0.2528 0.2718 0.2451 wd4 0.2718 0.2451 0.2760 0.2528 0.2800 0.2480 0.2760 0.2410 bin code sub- bin x y w2 we1 0.2640 0.2670 0.2688 0.2765 0.2726 0.2711 0.2680 0.2623 we2 0.2680 0.2623 0.2726 0.2711 0.2764 0.2658 0.2720 0.2575 we3 0.2688 0.2765 0.2735 0.2860 0.2772 0.2800 0.2726 0.2711 we4 0.2726 0.2711 0.2772 0.2800 0.2808 0.2740 0.2764 0.2658 wf1 0.2720 0.2575 0.2764 0.2658 0.2802 0.2604 0.2760 0.2528 wf2 0.2760 0.2528 0.2802 0.2604 0.2840 0.2550 0.2800 0.2480 wf3 0.2764 0.2658 0.2808 0.2740 0.2844 0.2680 0.2802 0.2604 wf4 0.2802 0.2604 0.2844 0.2680 0.2880 0.2620 0.2840 0.2550
copyright ? 2010 cree, inc. all rights reserved. the information in this document is subject to change without notice. cree, the cree logo and xlamp are registered trademarks of cree, inc. 5 copyright ? 2014 cree, inc. all rights reserved. the information in this document is subject to change without notice. cree and the cree logo are registered trademarks of cree, inc. 5 cree 5-mm round led c512a-wns/wnn bin code sub- bin x y w2 wg1 0.2735 0.2860 0.2783 0.2955 0.2817 0.2889 0.2772 0.2800 wg2 0.2772 0.2800 0.2817 0.2889 0.2852 0.2823 0.2808 0.2740 wg3 0.2783 0.2955 0.2830 0.3050 0.2863 0.2978 0.2817 0.2889 wg4 0.2817 0.2889 0.2863 0.2978 0.2895 0.2905 0.2852 0.2823 wh1 0.2808 0.2740 0.2852 0.2823 0.2886 0.2756 0.2844 0.2680 wh2 0.2844 0.2680 0.2886 0.2756 0.2920 0.2690 0.2880 0.2620 wh3 0.2852 0.2823 0.2895 0.2905 0.2928 0.2833 0.2886 0.2756 wh4 0.2886 0.2756 0.2928 0.2833 0.2960 0.2760 0.2920 0.2690 bin code sub- bin x y w3 wj1 0.2830 0.3050 0.2890 0.3130 0.2918 0.3048 0.2863 0.2978 wj2 0.2863 0.2978 0.2918 0.3048 0.2947 0.2967 0.2895 0.2905 wj3 0.2890 0.3130 0.2950 0.3210 0.2974 0.3119 0.2918 0.3048 wj4 0.2918 0.3048 0.2974 0.3119 0.2998 0.3028 0.2947 0.2967 wk1 0.2895 0.2905 0.2947 0.2967 0.2975 0.2890 0.2928 0.2833 wk2 0.2928 0.2833 0.2975 0.2890 0.3003 0.2813 0.2960 0.2760 wk3 0.2947 0.2967 0.2998 0.3028 0.3022 0.2946 0.2975 0.2890 wk4 0.2975 0.2890 0.3022 0.2946 0.3045 0.2865 0.3003 0.2813 bin code sub- bin x y w3 wm1 0.2950 0.3210 0.3010 0.3290 0.3030 0.3190 0.2974 0.3119 wm2 0.2974 0.3119 0.3030 0.3190 0.3050 0.3090 0.2998 0.3028 wm3 0.3010 0.3290 0.3070 0.3370 0.3085 0.3260 0.3030 0.3190 wm4 0.3030 0.3190 0.3085 0.3260 0.3100 0.3150 0.3050 0.3090 wn1 0.2998 0.3028 0.3050 0.3090 0.3070 0.3005 0.3022 0.2946 wn2 0.3022 0.2946 0.3070 0.3005 0.3090 0.2920 0.3045 0.2865 wn3 0.3050 0.3090 0.3100 0.3150 0.3115 0.3060 0.3070 0.3005 wn4 0.3070 0.3005 0.3115 0.3060 0.3130 0.2970 0.3090 0.2920 color bin limit (i f = 20 ma ) ? tolerance of measurement of the color coordinates is 0.01.
copyright ? 2010 cree, inc. all rights reserved. the information in this document is subject to change without notice. cree, the cree logo and xlamp are registered trademarks of cree, inc. 6 copyright ? 2014 cree, inc. all rights reserved. the information in this document is subject to change without notice. cree and the cree logo are registered trademarks of cree, inc. 6 cree 5-mm round led c512a-wns/wnn bin code sub- bin x y w5 wt1 0.3300 0.3600 0.3378 0.3663 0.3375 0.3563 0.3300 0.3495 wt2 0.3300 0.3495 0.3375 0.3563 0.3372 0.3463 0.3300 0.3390 wt3 0.3378 0.3663 0.3455 0.3725 0.3449 0.3630 0.3375 0.3563 wt4 0.3375 0.3563 0.3449 0.3630 0.3443 0.3535 0.3372 0.3463 wu1 0.3300 0.3390 0.3372 0.3463 0.3368 0.3363 0.3300 0.3285 wu2 0.3300 0.3285 0.3368 0.3363 0.3365 0.3263 0.3300 0.3180 wu3 0.3372 0.3463 0.3443 0.3535 0.3437 0.3440 0.3368 0.3363 wu4 0.3368 0.3363 0.3437 0.3440 0.3430 0.3345 0.3365 0.3263 color bin limit (i f = 20 ma ) ? tolerance of measurement of the color coordinates is 0.01. bin code sub- bin x y w4 wr1 0.3190 0.3490 0.3245 0.3545 0.3248 0.3438 0.3195 0.3380 wr2 0.3195 0.3380 0.3248 0.3438 0.3250 0.3330 0.3200 0.3270 wr3 0.3245 0.3545 0.3300 0.3600 0.3300 0.3495 0.3248 0.3438 wr4 0.3248 0.3438 0.3300 0.3495 0.3300 0.3390 0.3250 0.3330 ws1 0.3200 0.3270 0.3250 0.3330 0.3255 0.3230 0.3208 0.3173 ws2 0.3208 0.3173 0.3255 0.3230 0.3260 0.3130 0.3215 0.3075 ws3 0.3250 0.3330 0.3300 0.3390 0.3300 0.3285 0.3255 0.3230 ws4 0.3255 0.3230 0.3300 0.3285 0.3300 0.3180 0.3260 0.3130 bin code sub- bin x y w4 wp1 0.3070 0.3370 0.3130 0.3430 0.3140 0.3320 0.3085 0.3260 wp2 0.3085 0.3260 0.3140 0.3320 0.3150 0.3210 0.3100 0.3150 wp3 0.3130 0.3430 0.3190 0.3490 0.3195 0.3380 0.3140 0.3320 wp4 0.3140 0.3320 0.3195 0.3380 0.3200 0.3270 0.3150 0.3210 wq1 0.3100 0.3150 0.3150 0.3210 0.3163 0.3118 0.3115 0.3060 wq2 0.3115 0.3060 0.3163 0.3118 0.3175 0.3025 0.3130 0.2970 wq3 0.3150 0.3210 0.3200 0.3270 0.3208 0.3173 0.3163 0.3118 wq4 0.3163 0.3118 0.3208 0.3173 0.3215 0.3075 0.3175 0.3025
copyright ? 2010 cree, inc. all rights reserved. the information in this document is subject to change without notice. cree, the cree logo and xlamp are registered trademarks of cree, inc. 7 copyright ? 2014 cree, inc. all rights reserved. the information in this document is subject to change without notice. cree and the cree logo are registered trademarks of cree, inc. 7 cree 5-mm round led c512a-wns/wnn bin code sub- bin x y w5 wv1 0.3455 0.3725 0.3533 0.3788 0.3523 0.3698 0.3449 0.3630 wv2 0.3449 0.3630 0.3523 0.3698 0.3514 0.3608 0.3443 0.3535 wv3 0.3533 0.3788 0.3610 0.3850 0.3598 0.3765 0.3523 0.3698 wv4 0.3523 0.3698 0.3598 0.3765 0.3585 0.3680 0.3514 0.3608 ww1 0.3443 0.3535 0.3514 0.3608 0.3505 0.3518 0.3437 0.3440 ww2 0.3437 0.3440 0.3505 0.3518 0.3495 0.3428 0.3430 0.3345 ww3 0.3514 0.3608 0.3585 0.3680 0.3573 0.3595 0.3505 0.3518 ww4 0.3505 0.3518 0.3573 0.3595 0.3560 0.3510 0.3495 0.3428 color bin limit (i f = 20 ma ) ? tolerance of measurement of the color coordinates is 0.01.
copyright ? 2010 cree, inc. all rights reserved. the information in this document is subject to change without notice. cree, the cree logo and xlamp are registered trademarks of cree, inc. 8 copyright ? 2014 cree, inc. all rights reserved. the information in this document is subject to change without notice. cree and the cree logo are registered trademarks of cree, inc. 8 cree 5-mm round led c512a-wns/wnn cie chromaticity diagram w 2 w 3 w 4 w 5 w 1 8 0 0 0 k 7 0 0 0 k 9 0 0 0 k 6 0 0 0 k 5 0 0 0 k 1 0 0 0 0 k w a w b w c w d w t w u w v w w w e w f w g w h 1 w j w k w m w n w p w q w r 4 w s 0.2300 0.2300 0.2900 0.3500 0.4100 x 0.2900 0.3500 y 0.4100 0.1700 0.1700
copyright ? 2010 cree, inc. all rights reserved. the information in this document is subject to change without notice. cree, the cree logo and xlamp are registered trademarks of cree, inc. 9 copyright ? 2014 cree, inc. all rights reserved. the information in this document is subject to change without notice. cree and the cree logo are registered trademarks of cree, inc. 9 cree 5-mm round led c512a-wns/wnn order code table* color kit number viewing angle luminous intensity (mcd) color bin code package standoff min. max. cool white c512a-wns-cz0c0151 25 8200 32900 w1,w2,w3,w4,w5 bulk yes cool white c512a-wns-cz0b0151 25 8200 23500 w1,w2,w3,w4,w5 bulk yes cool white c512a-wns-ca0c0151 25 12000 32900 w1,w2,w3,w4,w5 bulk yes cool white c512a-wns-cz0c0152 25 8200 32900 w1,w2,w3,w4,w5 ammo yes cool white c512a-wns-cz0b0152 25 8200 23500 w1,w2,w3,w4,w5 ammo yes cool white C512A-WNS-CA0C0152 25 12000 32900 w1,w2,w3,w4,w5 ammo yes cool white c512a-wnn-cz0c0151 25 8200 32900 w1,w2,w3,w4,w5 bulk no cool white c512a-wnn-cz0b0151 25 8200 23500 w1,w2,w3,w4,w5 bulk no cool white c512a-wnn-ca0c0151 25 12000 32900 w1,w2,w3,w4,w5 bulk no cool white c512a-wnn-cz0c0152 25 8200 32900 w1,w2,w3,w4,w5 ammo no cool white c512a-wnn-cz0b0152 25 8200 23500 w1,w2,w3,w4,w5 ammo no cool white c512a-wnn-ca0c0152 25 12000 32900 w1,w2,w3,w4,w5 ammo no notes: 1. the above kit numbers represent order codes that include multiple intensity-bin and color-bin codes. only one intensity-bin code and one color-bin code will be shipped on each bulk. single intensity-bin code and single color-bin codes will not be orderable. 2. please refer to the cree led lamp reliability test standards document for reliability test conditions. 3. please refer to the cree led lamp soldering & handling document for information about how to use this led product safely.
copyright ? 2010 cree, inc. all rights reserved. the information in this document is subject to change without notice. cree, the cree logo and xlamp are registered trademarks of cree, inc. 10 copyright ? 2014 cree, inc. all rights reserved. the information in this document is subject to change without notice. cree and the cree logo are registered trademarks of cree, inc. 10 cree 5-mm round led c512a-wns/wnn graphs the above data are collected from statistical fgures that do not necessarily correspond to the actual parameters of each single led. hence, these data will be changed without further notice. ?????? ????? ?????????????????????????? ????????????????????????? ??????? ? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??? ? ???????? ?????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????? ??? ????????????????????? ??????????????????????? ??? ????? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?????? ??? ??? ??? ??? ? ??????????????????????? ???????????????????? ? ????? ????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????? ?????? ????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????? ??????????? ?????? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ???? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????? ??? ??? ??? ? ? ? ??? ??? ?? ?? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???? ???? ???? ??? ???? ????? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???? ? ? ? ? ???? ????? ?
copyright ? 2010 cree, inc. all rights reserved. the information in this document is subject to change without notice. cree, the cree logo and xlamp are registered trademarks of cree, inc. 11 copyright ? 2014 cree, inc. all rights reserved. the information in this document is subject to change without notice. cree and the cree logo are registered trademarks of cree, inc. 11 cree 5-mm round led c512a-wns/wnn mechanical dimensions all dimensions are in mm. tolerance is 0.25 mm unless otherwise noted. an epoxy meniscus may extend about 1.5 mm down the leads. burr around bottom of epoxy may be 0.5 mm max. c512a-wns: c512a-wnn: rohs compliance the levels of environmentally sensitive, persistent biologically toxic (pbt), persistent organic pollutants (pop), or other - wise restricted materials in this product are below the maximum concentration values (also referred to as the threshold limits) permitted for such substances, or are used in an exempted application, in accordance with eu directive 2002/95/ ec on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (rohs), as amended through april 21, 2006. vision advisory claim users should be cautioned not to stare at the light of this led product. the bright light can damage the ey e. notes ? ?
copyright ? 2010 cree, inc. all rights reserved. the information in this document is subject to change without notice. cree, the cree logo and xlamp are registered trademarks of cree, inc. 12 copyright ? 2014 cree, inc. all rights reserved. the information in this document is subject to change without notice. cree and the cree logo are registered trademarks of cree, inc. 12 cree 5-mm round led c512a-wns/wnn kit number system all dimensions in mm. cree led lamps are tested and sorted into performance bins. a bin is specifed by ranges of color, forward voltage, and brightness. sorted leds are packaged for shipping in various convenient options. please refer to the cree led lamp packaging standard document for more information about shipping and packaging options. cree leds are sold by order codes in combinations of bins called kits. order codes are confgured in the following man - ner:
copyright ? 2010 cree, inc. all rights reserved. the information in this document is subject to change without notice. cree, the cree logo and xlamp are registered trademarks of cree, inc. 13 copyright ? 2014 cree, inc. all rights reserved. the information in this document is subject to change without notice. cree and the cree logo are registered trademarks of cree, inc. 13 cree 5-mm round led c512a-wns/wnn packaging features: ? the leds are packed in cardboard boxes after packaging in normal or anti-electrostatic bags. ? cardboard boxes will be used to protect the leds from mechanical shock during transportation. ? the boxes are not water resistant, and they must be kept away from water and moisture. ? the bulk pack types of packaging. ? max 500 pcs per bulk and max 2500 pcs per ammo. bulk pack packaging type: ammo pack packaging type: 2 0 b a gs / ca r to n lab el c o l o r l ed l a mp j ow axxxxx -xx-xxx ax x xxxx x xxxx (a n ti- e le c tr o s t a t ic b a g) h ue t ype q ty r a nk lot iv xxx xxx vf ( ) xx ( ) l xx x xxx x x - x xx p cs x ( ) xx r

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