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  t4 - lds - 0260, rev . 1 (12 0634 ) ?201 2 microsemi corporation page 1 of 4 NJF6510 n- channel, j - fet depletion mode transistor screened in reference to mil - prf - 19500 description the NJF6510 is ideal for functioning as a vh f and a s mall s ignal a mplifier . this part number is also an equivalent to the mx2n3822. to - 72 (to- 206af) package important: for the latest information, visit our website . features ? s creen ed to mx level in reference to mil - prf - 19500 jantx level . applications / benefits ? low - power tr ansistor . ? leaded m etal to - 72 package. m axim um ratings @ t c = + 25 o c unless otherwise noted. msc C lawrence 6 lake street, lawrence, ma 01841 tel: 1- 800 - 446 - 1158 or (978) 620 - 2600 fax: (978) 689 - 0803 msc C ireland gort road business park, ennis, co. clare, ireland tel: +353 (0) 65 6840044 fax: +353 (0) 65 6822298 website: parameters/test conditions symbol value unit junction and storage temp erature t j and t stg - 55 to +200 o c gate - source voltage v gsr 50 v drain - source voltage v ds 50 v grain - drain - gate voltage v dg 50 v steady - state power dissipation @ t a = +25 oc (1) p d 3 00 mw gate current i gf 10 ma notes : 1. derate linearly 1. 7 mw/c for t a > +25 c. downloaded from: http:///
t4 - lds - 0260, rev . 1 (12 0634 ) ?201 2 microsemi corporation page 2 of 4 NJF6510 mechanical and packaging ? case: ni p lated k ovar, ni c ap. ? terminal s: au over ni p lated k ovar leads . ? marking: manufacturers id, d ate c ode, p art n umber . ? polarity: see case outline on last page. ? w eight: 0.322 grams . ? see p ackage d imensions on last page. part nomenclature njf 6510 n- channel, j - fe t type number symbols & definitions symbol definition i d drain current. i g gate current. r g gate resistor. t a ambient or free air temperature . t c case temperature. downloaded from: http:///
t4 - lds - 0260, rev . 1 (12 0634 ) ?201 2 microsemi corporation page 3 of 4 NJF6510 electrical characteristics @ t a = +25 o c unless otherwise noted. off c haractertics parameters / test conditions symbol min. max. unit gate - source breakdown voltage v ds = 0, i g = 1.0 a v (br)gssr 50 v gate reverse current v gs = 0, v ds = 30 v v gs = 0, v ds = 30 v v ds = 0, v gs = 2 0 v i gss r 0. 1 a drain saturation current (pulsed) v gs = 0, v ds = 15 v i dss 2 .0 10 ma gate - source voltage v ds = 15 v , i d = 400 a v gs 1.0 4.0 v gate - source cutoff voltage v ds = 15 v, i d = 0.5 a v gs(off) 6 .0 v dynamic characteristics parameters / test conditions symbol min. max. unit small - signal common source, short - circuit forward transfer admittance |y fs | 30 00 6500 s v gs = 0, v ds = 15 v, f = 1.0 khz small - signal, common source, short - circuit output admittance |y os | 20 s v gs = 0, v ds = 15 v, f = 1.0 khz small - signal, common - source short - circuit input capacitance v gs = 0 v, v ds = 15 v, 100 khz f 1.0 mhz c iss 6.0 pf small - signal, common - source reverse transfer capacitance c rss 3 .0 pf v ds = 15 v, v gs = 0, 100 khz f 1.0 mhz common source spot noise figure nf 1 5.0 2. 5 db v gs = 0, v ds = 15 v, r g = 1 m ? f = 10 hz f = 1.0 khz downloaded from: http:///
t4 - lds - 0260, rev . 1 (12 0634 ) ?201 2 microsemi corporation page 4 of 4 NJF6510 package dimensions notes: 1. dimensions are in inches. millimeters are given for general information only. 2. measured in the zone beyond .250 (6.35 mm) from the seating plane. 3. measured in the zone .050 (1.27 mm) and .250 (6.35 mm) from the seating plane. 4. when measured in a gauging plane .054 +.001, - .000 (1.37 +.3, - .00 mm) before the seating plane of the transistor, maximum diameter leads shall be within .007 (.18 mm) of their true location relative to a max imum width tab. smaller diameter leads shall fall within the outline of the maximum diameter lead tolerance. 5. the active elements are electrically insulated from the case. 6. all 4 leads. 7. lead 1 is the source, lead 2 is the drain, lead 3 is the gate, and lead 4 is the case. 8. symbol tl is measured from hd maximum. 9. in accordance with asme y14.5m, diameters are equivalent to x symbology. dimensions ltr inches millimeters notes min max min max cd .178 .195 4.52 4.95 ch .170 .210 4.32 5.33 hd .209 .230 5.31 5.84 l1 .050 1.27 l2 .250 6.35 lc .100 tp 2.54 tp ld .016 .021 0.41 0.53 2, 6 ll .500 .750 12.70 19.05 6 lu .016 .019 0.41 0.48 3, 6 q .040 1.02 r .007 0.18 tl .028 .048 0.71 1.22 8 tw .036 .046 0 .91 1.17 45 tp pin 1 emitter 2 base 3 collector 4 case downloaded from: http:///

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