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  SI9400DY vishay siliconix document number: 70119 s-55458erev. k, 02-mar-98  faxback 408-970-5600 1 p-channel 20-v (d-s) mosfet 
   v ds (v) r ds(on) (  ) i d (a) 20 0.25 @ v gs = 10 v  2.5 20 0.40 @ v gs = 4.5 v  2.0 nc d s d sd g d so-8 5 6 7 8 top view 2 3 4 1 ss g d d d d p-channel mosfet             
 parameter symbol limit unit drain-source voltage v ds 20 v gate-source voltage v gs  20 v continuous drain current (t j = 150  c) a t a = 25  c i d  2.5 a continuous drain current (t j = 150  c) a t a = 70  c i d  2.0 a pulsed drain current i dm  10 a continuous source current (diode conduction) a i s 2.0 maximum power dissipation a t a = 25  c p d 2.5 w maximum power dissipation a t a = 70  c p d 1.6 w operating junction and storage temperature range t j , t stg 55 to 150  c       parameter symbol limit unit maximum junction-to-ambient a r thja 50  c/w notes a. surface mounted on fr4 board, t  10 sec. for spice model information via the worldwide web:
SI9400DY vishay siliconix  faxback 408-970-5600 2 document number: 70119 s-55458erev. k, 02-mar-98 

  parameter symbol test condition min typ a max unit static gate threshold voltage v gs(th) v ds = v gs , i d = 250  a 1.0 v gate-body leakage i gss v ds = 0 v, v gs =  20 v  100 na zero gate voltage drain current i dss v ds = 16 v, v gs = 0 v 2  a zero gate v oltage drain current i dss v ds = 16 v, v gs = 0 v, t j = 55  c 25  a on-state drain current b i d(on) v ds  5 v, v gs = 10 v 10 a drain - source on - state resistance b r ds(on) v gs = 10 v, i d = 1 a 0.13 0.25  drain - source on - state resistance b r ds(on) v gs = 4.5 v, i d = 0.5 a 0.22 0.40  forward transconductance b g fs v ds = 15 v, i d = 2.5 a 2.5 s diode forward voltage b v sd i s = 1.25 a, v gs = 0 v 0.8 1.6 v dynamic a total gate charge q g v10vv10vi20a 6.8 25 c gate-source charge q gs v ds = 10 v, v gs = 10 v, i d = 2.0 a 1.3 nc gate-drain charge q gd 1.6 turn-on delay time t d(on) v10vr10  10 40 rise time t r v dd = 10 v, r l = 10  i 1 a v 10 v r 6  12 40 turn-off delay time t d(off) dd , l i d  1 a, v gen = 10 v, r g = 6  20 90 ns fall time t f 10 50 source-drain reverse recovery time t rr i f = 2 a, di/dt = 100 a/  s 69 100 notes a. for design aid only; not subject to production testing. b. pulse test; pulse width  300  s, duty cycle  2%.
SI9400DY vishay siliconix document number: 70119 s-55458erev. k, 02-mar-98  faxback 408-970-5600 3   
           0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 50 25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 output characteristics transfer characteristics gate charge on-resistance vs. drain current v ds drain-to-source voltage (v) drain current (a) i d v gs gate-to-source voltage (v) drain current (a) i d gate-to-source voltage (v) q g total gate charge (nc) v ds drain-to-source voltage (v) c capacitance (pf) v gs on-resistance ( r ds(on) w ) i d drain current (a) capacitance on-resistance vs. junction temperature t j junction temperature (  c) (normalized) on-resistance ( r ds(on) w ) 0 3 6 9 12 15 0246810 0 2 4 6 8 10 02468 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 012345 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 0 5 10 15 20 0 2 4 6 8 10 01234567 t c = 55  c v gs = 10 v c rss c oss c iss v gs = 4.5 v 125  c v ds =10 v i d = 2 a v gs = 10 v i d = 1.0 a v gs = 10 7 v 4 v 5 v 6 v 25  c 3 v
SI9400DY vishay siliconix  faxback 408-970-5600 4 document number: 70119 s-55458erev. k, 02-mar-98   
           source-drain diode forward voltage on-resistance vs. gate-to-source voltage threshold voltage single pulse power normalized thermal transient impedance, junction-to-ambient square wave pulse duration (sec) normalized effective transient thermal impedance on-resistance ( r ds(on) w ) v sd source-to-drain voltage (v) v gs gate-to-source voltage (v) source current (a) i s t j temperature (  c) 0.01 0 80 100 20 60 0.1 1 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0246810 1 0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 50 25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 t j = 150  c t j = 25  c i d = 2.5 a 20 2 1 0.1 0.01 10 4 10 3 10 2 10 1 11030 duty cycle = 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.05 single pulse 0.02 1. duty cycle, d = 2. per unit base = r thja = 62.5  c/w 3. t jm t a = p dm z thja (t) t 1 t 2 t 1 t 2 notes: 4. surface mounted p dm 1 variance (v) v gs(th) 40 10 i d = 250 m a 10 0.001

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