tsm3911d 20v dual p - channel mosfet 1 / 6 version: b07 sot - 26 features advance trench process technology high density cell design for ultra low on - resistance application load switch pa switch ordering information part no. package packing tsm3911dcx6 rf sot - 26 t&r absolute maximum rating ( ta = 25 ? unless otherwise noted ) parameter symbol limit unit drain - source voltage v ds - 20 v gate - source voltage v gs 8 v continuous drain current i d - 2.2 a pulsed drain current i dm - 8 a continuous source current (diode conducti on) a,b i s - 0.72 a ta = 2 5 c 1.15 maximum power dissipation ta = 7 0 c p d 0.73 w operating junction temperature t j +150 o c operating junction and storage temperature range t j , t stg - 55 to +150 o c thermal performance parameter symbol limit unit j unction to case thermal resistance r? jf 30 o c/w junction to ambient thermal resistance (pcb mounted) r? ja 80 o c/w note s : a. pulse width limited by the maximum junction temperature b. surface mounted on fr4 board, t 5 sec. product summary v ds (v) r ds(on) (m) i d (a) 140 @ v gs = - 4.5v - 2.2 200 @ v gs = - 2.5v - 1.8 - 20 300 @ v gs = - 1.8v - 1.5 block diagram dual p - channel mosfet pin definition : 1. gate 1 6. drain 1 2. source 2 5, source 1 3. gate 2 4. drain 2
tsm3911d 20v dual p - channel mosfet 2 / 6 version: b07 electrical specifications parameter conditions symbol min typ max u nit static drain - source breakdown voltage v gs = 0 v, i d = - 250ua bv dss - 20 -- -- v gate threshold voltage v ds = v gs , i d = - 250 a v gs(th) - 0.45 -- - 0.95 v gate body leakage v gs = 8v, v ds = 0v i gss -- -- 100 na zero gate voltage drain current v ds = - 16v, v gs = 0v i dss -- -- - 1.0 a on - state drain current a v ds = - 5v, v gs = - 5v i d(on) - 5 -- -- a v gs = - 4.5v, i d = - 2.2a -- 115 140 v gs = - 2.5v, i d = - 1.8a -- 163 200 drain - source on - state resistance a v gs = - 1.8v, i d = - 1a r ds(on) -- 220 300 m forward transconductance a v ds = - 5v, i d = - 2.2a g fs -- 5 -- s diode forward voltage i s = - 1.05a, v gs = 0v v sd -- - 0.8 - 1.2 v dynamic b total gate charge q g -- 15.23 -- gate - source charge q gs -- 5.49 -- gate - drain charge v ds = - 6v, i d = - 2.8a , v gs = - 4.5v q gd -- 2.74 -- nc input capacitance c iss -- 882.51 -- output capacitance c oss -- 145.54 -- reverse transfer capacitance v ds = - 6v, v gs = 0v, f = 1.0mhz c rs s -- 97.26 -- pf switching c turn - on delay time t d(on) -- 17.28 -- turn - on rise time t r -- 3.73 -- turn - off delay time t d(off) -- 36.05 -- turn - off fall time v dd = - 6v, r l = 6 , i d = - 1a, v gen = - 4.5v, r g = 6 t f -- 6.19 -- ns notes: a. pulse test: pw 300 s, d u ty cycle 2% b. for design aid only, not sub ject to production testing. b. switching time is essentially independent of operating temperature.
tsm3911d 20v dual p - channel mosfet 3 / 6 version: b07 electrical characteristics curve ( ta = 25 ? , unless otherwise noted ) output characteristics transfer characteristics on - resistanc e vs. drain current gate charge on - resistance vs. junction temperature source - drain diode forward voltage
tsm3911d 20v dual p - channel mosfet 4 / 6 version: b07 electrical characteristics curve ( ta = 25 ? , unless otherwise noted ) on - resistance vs. gate - source voltage threshold voltage single p ulse power normalized thermal transient impedance, junction - to - ambient
tsm3911d 20v dual p - channel mosfet 5 / 6 version: b07 sot - 26 mechanical drawing marking diagram 1d = device code y = year code m = month code ( a =jan, b =feb, c =mar, d =apl, e =may, f =jun, g =jul, h =aug, i =sep, j =oct, k =nov, l =dec) l = lot code sot - 26 dimension millimeters inches dim min typ max min typ max a 0.95 bsc 0.0374 bsc a1 1.9 bsc 0.0748 bsc b 2.60 2.80 3.00 0.1024 0.11 02 0.1181 c 1.40 1.50 1.70 0.0551 0.0591 0.0669 d 2.80 2.90 3.10 0.1101 0.1142 0.1220 e 1.00 1.10 1.20 0.0394 0.0433 0.0472 f 0.00 -- 0.10 0.00 0.0039 g 0.35 0.40 0.50 0.0138 0.0157 0.0197 h 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.0039 0.0059 0.0079 i 0.30 -- 0.60 0.0118 -- 0.0236 j 5 -- 10 5 -- 10
tsm3911d 20v dual p - channel mosfet 6 / 6 version: b07 notice specifications of the products displayed herein are subject to change without notice. tsc or anyone on its behalf, assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies. information contained herein is intended to provide a product description only. no license, express or implied, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. except as provided in tsc s terms and conditions of s ale for such products, tsc assumes no liability whatsoever, and disclaims any express or implied warranty, relating to sale and/or use of tsc products including liability or warranties relating to fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, or infri ngement of any patent, copyright, or other intellectual property right. the products shown herein are not designed for use in medical, life - saving, or life - sustaining applications. customers using or selling these products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify tsc for any damages resulting from such improper use or sale.