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  npn 2N3441 1 | 2 20/09/ 2012 comset semiconductors silicon power transistor the 2N3441 are npn transistors mounted in to-66 metal package with the collector connected to the case . they are intended for use in general purpose switching and amplifier applications. compliance to rohs. absolute maximum ratings symbol ratings value unit v ceo collector-emitter voltage i b = 0 140 v v cbo collector-base voltage i e = 0 160 v v ebo emitter-base voltage i c = 0 7 v i c collector current 3 a i b base current 2 a p t total power dissipation @ t c = 25 25 w t j junction temperature 200 c t st g storage temperature -65 to +200 c electrical characteristics tc=25c unless otherwise noted symbol ratings test condition(s) min typ max unit v ceo(sus) collector-emitter sustaining voltage (*) i c = 100 ma , i b = 0 a 140 - - v i ceo collector cutoff current v ce = 140 v , i b = 0 - - 10 ma i cex collector cutoff current v ce = 140 v , v be = 1.5 v - - 5 ma v ce = 140 v , v be = 1.5 v t case = 150c - - 6 i ebo emitter cutoff current v eb = 7 v, i c = 0 a - - 1 ma v ce(sat) collector-emitter saturation voltage (*) i c = 2.7 a , i b = 900 ma - - 6 v v be ( on ) base-emitter on voltage (*) i c = 40 a , i b = 4 a - - 6.5 v h fe dc current gain i c = 500 ma, v ce = 4 v 25 - 100 - i c = 2.7 a, v ce = 4 v 5 - - (*) pulse duration = 300 s, duty cycle <= 1.5%
npn 2N3441 2 | 2 20/09/ 2012 comset semiconductors thermal characteristics symbol ratings value unit r thjc thermal resistance, junction to case 7 c/w mechanical data case to-66 revised august 2012 ????????? information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. ho wever, comset semiconductors assu mes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or ot her rights of third parties which may results from its use. da ta are subject to change without notice. comset se miconductors makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does comset semiconductors assu me any liability arising out of the applic ation or use of any product and specifica lly disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequential or inci dental damages. comset semicon ductors? products are not author ized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems. ? dimensions mm min max a 30.60 32.52 b 11.94 12.7 c 6.35 8.63 d 0.712 0.863 e 1.27 1.91 f 24.28 24.50 g 4.83 5.33 h 2.41 2.67 j 14.48 14.99 k 9.15 10.50 p - 2.7 q 3.60 4.00 s - 8.89 t - 3.68 pin 1 : emitter pin 2 : base case : collector

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