click to buy information furnished by linear integrated systems and micross components is believed to be accurate and reliable. however, no responsibility is assumed for its use; nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. no license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of linear integrated systems. micross components ltd, united kingdom, te l: +44 1603 788967, fax: +44 1603788920, email: web: istribution.aspx features ? direct ? replacement ? for ? intersil ? 2n4352 ? high ? drain ? current ? i d = ? 100ma ? high ? gain ? g fs = ? 1000s ? absolute ? maximum ? ratings ?? @ ? 25c ? (unless ? otherwise ? noted) ? maximum ? temperatures ? storage ? temperature ?\ 65c ? to ? +200c ? operating ? junction ? temperature ?\ 55c ? to ? +150c ? maximum ? power ? dissipation ? continuous ? power ? dissipation ?? 375mw ? maximum ? current drain ? to ? source ? (note ? 1) ? 100ma ? maximum ? voltages ? drain ? to ? body ? 25v ? drain ? to ? source ? 25v ? peak ? gate ? to ? source ? (note ? 2) ? 125v ? 2n4352 ? electrical ? characteristics ? @ ? 25c ? (unless ? otherwise ? noted) symbol ? characteristic ? min ? typ. ? max ? units ? conditions ? bv dss ? drain ? to ? source ? breakdown ? voltage ? 25 ? \\? \\? ? v ? i d ? = ? 10a, ??? v gs ? = ? 0v ? v ds ( on ) ? drain ? to ? source ? ?on? ? voltage ? \\? \\? 1 ? ??????????????????? i d ? = ? 2ma, ??? v gs ? = ? 10v ? v gs ( th ) ? gate ? to ? source ? threshold ? voltage ? 1 ? \\? 5 ? v ds ? = ? 10v, ???? i d ? = ? 10a ? i gss ? gate ? leakage ? current ? \\? \\? 10 ? pa ? v gs ? = ? 30v, ??? v ds ? = ? 0v ? i dss ? drain ? leakage ? current ? ?off? ? \\? \\? 10 ? na ? v gs ? = ? 10v, ??? v ds ? = ? 10v ? i d ( on ) ? drain ? current ? ?on? ? 3 ? \\? \\? ma ? v gs ? = ? 10v, ?? v ds ? = ? 10v ? g fs ? forward ? transconductance ? 1000 ? \\? \\? s ? v ds ? = ? 10v, ???? i d ? = ? 2ma ? , ??? f ? = ? 1mhz ? r ds(on) ? drain ? to ? source ? ?on? ? resistance ? \\? \\? 300 ?? v gs ? = ? 10v, ??? i d ? = ? 0a, ??? f ? = ? 1khz ? c rss ? reverse ? transfer ? capacitance ? \\? \\? 1.3 ?? pf ? v ds ? = ? 0v, ????? v gs ? = ? 0v ? , ??? f ? = ? 140khz ? c iss ? input ? capacitance ? \\? \\? 5 ? v ds ? = ? 10v, ????? v gs ? = ? 0v ? , ??? f ? = ? 140khz ? c db ? drain ? to ? body ? capacitance ? \\? \\? 5.0 ? v db ? = ? 10v, ??? f ? = ? 140khz ? ?????? ? switching ? characteristics ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????? timing ? waveforms ? symbol ? characteristic ? max ? units ? t d ( on ) ? turn ? on ? delay ? time ? 45 ?? ns ? t r ? turn ? on ? rise ? time ? 65 ? t d ( off ) ? turn ? off ? delay ? time ? 60 ? t f ? turn ? off ? fall ? time ? 100 ? ? ? ?? ?????????????????????????????????? switching ? test ? circuit ? the 2n4352 is an enhancement mode n-channel mosfet 2n4352 n-channel mosfet micross components europe tel: +44 1603 788967 email: web: to-72 (bottom view) available packages: 2n4352 in to-72 2n4352 in bare die. please contact micross for full package and die dimensions * body tied to case note ? 1 ?\? absolute ? maximum ? ratings ? are ? limiting ? values ? above ? which ? 2n4352 ? serviceability ? may ? be ? impaired. ? note ? 2 ?\? device ? must ? not ? be ? tested ? at ? 125v ? more ? than ? once ? or ? longer ? than ? 300ms. 2n4352 features: ? low on resistance ? low capacitance ? high gain ? high gate breakdown voltage ? low threshold voltage the 2n4352 is an enhancement mode n-channel mosfet designed for use as a general purpose amplifier or switch the hermetically sealed to-72 package is well suited for high reliability and harsh environment applications. (see packaging information).