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   RPM6900 series models 554 communication ics remote control photosensitive ic RPM6900 series the RPM6900 series are remote control photosensitive units in a compact, lightweight package made from a resin mold.  applications vcrs, tvs, movies, air conditioners, audio equipment, and other household electrical appliances  features 1) resin mold package enables a compact size and light weight. 2) built-in electromagnetic shield.  absolute maximum ratings (ta = 25  c)  recommended operating conditions note: specifications may change without notice due to improvements in the product.
555 communication ics RPM6900 series  block diagram  electrical, optical characteristics (v cc = 5v, ta = 25  c)
556 communication ics RPM6900 series  measurement conditions (1) transmit signal (2) standard transmitter l peak=940nm d l =40nm when standard transmitter output the signal at fig.1 standard photodiode output become io = 5 m a p-p under the measurement condition fig2, fig.3. rpm-301b: standard photodiode has short current isc = 27 m a at e = 10001x (using cie standard light source a) (3) measurement arrival distance, horizontal & vertical half angle arrival distance l: arrival distance at q = 0  fig.4 horizontal & vertical half angle q : the angle which arrival distance became 50% of l. (4) high level, low level output voltage
557 communication ics RPM6900 series  measurement circuit  recommended application  please place filter (resistors and capacitors) as close to the receiver as possible.  in order to stable operation, using serial resistor (47 w ) on power supply line and capacitor (more than 47 m f) between power supply and gnd is recommended. (this reduce influence by switching power supply ripple and ripple which caused by the change of micro controller load and other circuits load.) without the above circuit, arrival distance might be less due to noise pulse on output wave. (in case even with the above mentioned value, please change bigger capacitance.)  operation notes (1) all characteristics of the receiver in this specification are specified by supplying burst wave form with rohm standard transmitter (fig.2). if in case of other burst wave form will be used, please check these spec. carefully under the evaluations. (2) when the receiver will be used as the wire-less re- mote controller, please use the signal method the signal format which refer to ameasures to prevent miss-func- tioning of ir remote-controlled electric home ap- plianceso. (published july 1987 by association of electric home appliances) however, please use the standard pulse width (t) of greater than 0.4ms and less than 0.6ms (0.4ms < t < 0.6ms) if using other signal method, signal format, (ex: signal for- mat which not including the leader signal) the receiver might have chances to miss-function.
558 communication ics RPM6900 series (3) please set up transmitter's carrier frequency as same as the receiver's f0 frequency. otherwise error might be occurred. (4) if transmission signal has non-continues carrier, er- ror might be occurred. continuous carrier is necessary. (5) the receiver was designed to use as in-door use only. therefore, please understand that the receiver can- not cover all characteristics, in case of using it out-door. (6) emitting unit (remove control transmitter) has to be considered about its emitting device function, character- istics and characteristics of the receiver. (7) do not supply unnecessary stress to lead and holder. (8) please pay careful attention to the lens. it might has a chance to miss-function when the lens get dust or dirty. and also please do not touch the lens. (9) in order to prevent ic from esd, human body, solder iron, etc are required to be grounded.  electrical, optical characteristics curves
559 communication ics RPM6900 series  external dimensions (units: mm)

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