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  schottky rectifier 2.1 amp 10mq060n 1 major ratings and characteristics i f dc 2.1 a v rrm 60 v i fsm @ tp = 5 s sine 40 a v f @ 1.5apk, t j =125c 0.63 v t j range - 55 to 150 c characteristics 10mq060n units the 10mq060n surface mount schottky rectifier has been designed for applications requiring low forward drop and very small foot prints on pc boards. typical applications are in disk drives, switching power supplies, converters, free-wheeling diodes, battery charging, and reverse battery protection. small foot print, surface mountable low forward voltage drop high frequency operation guard ring for enhanced ruggedness and long term reliability description/ features 2.50 (.098) 2.90 (.114) 4.00 (.157) 4.60 (.181) 1.40 (.055) 1.60 (.062) .152 (.006) .305 (.012) 2.00 (.078) 2.44 (.096) 0.76 (.030) 1.52 (.060) .103 (.004) .203 (.008) 4.80 (.188) 5.28 (.208) 2.10 max. (.085 max. ) 5.53 (.218) 1.27 min. (.050 min.) 1.47 min. (.058 min.) soldering pad cathode anode 1 2 1 2 polarity part number device marking: ir1h sma dimensions in millimeters and (inches) outline sma similar to d-64 for recommended footprint and soldering techniques refer to application note #an-994 bulletin pd-20519 rev. i 03/03
10mq060n bulletin pd-20519 rev. i 03/03 2 part number 10mq060n v r max. dc reverse voltage (v) v rwm max. working peak reverse voltage (v) 60 voltage ratings v fm max. forward voltage drop (1) 0.63 v @ 1a * see fig. 1 0.71 v @ 1.5a 0.57 v @ 1a 0.63 v @ 1.5a i rm max. reverse leakage current (1) 0.5 ma t j = 25 c * see fig. 2 7.5 ma t j = 125 c v f(to) threshold voltage 0.45 v t j = t j max. r t forward slope resistance 86.8 m ? c t typical junction capacitance 31 pf v r = 10v dc , t j = 25c, test signal = 1mhz l s typical series inductance 2.0 nh measured lead to lead 5mm from package body dv/dt max. voltage rate of change 10000 v/s (rated v r ) t j = 25 c t j = 125 c v r = rated v r electrical specifications parameters 10mq units conditions (1) pulse width < 300s, duty cycle < 2% t j max. junction temperature range (*) -55 to 150 c t stg max. storage temperature range - 55 to 150 c r thja max. thermal resistance junction 80 c/w dc operation to ambient wt approximate weight 0.07(0.002) g (oz.) case style sma similar d-64 device marking ir1h thermal-mechanical specifications parameters 10mq units conditions absolute maximum ratings i f(av) max. average forward current 1.5 a 50% duty cycle @ t l = 120 c, rectangular wave form. * see fig. 4 on pc board 9mm 2 island(.013mm thick copper pad area) i fsm max. peak one cycle non-repetitive 40 5s sine or 3s rect. pulse surge current * see fig. 6 10 10ms sine or 6ms rect. pulse e as non-repetitive avalanche energy 2.0 mj t j = 25 c, i as = 1a, l = 4mh i ar repetitive avalanche current 1.0 a parameters 10mq units conditions a following any rated load condition and with rated v rrm applied < thermal runaway condition for a diode on its own heatsink (*) dptot 1 dtj rth( j-a)
10mq060n bulletin pd-20519 rev. i 03/03 3 fig. 2 - typical peak reverse current vs. reverse voltage fig. 3 - typical junction capacitance vs. reverse voltage fig. 1 - maximum forward voltage drop characteristics 0.1 1 10 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 instantaneous forward current - i (a) t = 150c t = 125c t = 25c j j j f fm forward voltage drop - v (v) 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 0 102030405060 r r 125c 100c 75c 50c 25c reverse current - i (ma) t = 150c j reverse voltage - v (v) 10 100 0 102030405060 t = 25c j r t junction capacitance - c (pf) reverse voltage - v (v)
10mq060n bulletin pd-20519 rev. i 03/03 4 fig. 4 - maximum average forward current vs. allowable lead temperature fig. 5 - maximum average forward dissipation vs. average forward current fig. 6 - maximum peak surge forward current vs. pulse duration 1 10 100 10 100 1000 10000 fsm p at any rated load condition and with rated v applied fo l l o w in g su rg e rrm non-repetitive surge current - i (a) square wave pulse duration - t (mic rosec) 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 dc a v e r a g e po w e r lo ss - ( wa t t s) f( a v ) rm s li m i t d = 0.20 d = 0.25 d = 0.33 d = 0.50 d = 0.75 average forward current - i (a) (2) formula used: t c = t j - (pd + pd rev ) x r thjc ; pd = forward power loss = i f(av) x v fm @ (i f(av) / d) (see fig. 6); pd rev = inverse power loss = v r1 x i r (1 - d); i r @ v r1 = 80% rated v r 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2 2.4 dc allowable case temperature - (c) f( a v ) se e no te ( 2) sq ua re wa ve (d = 0.50) 80% rated v applied r average forward current - i (a) d = 0.20 d = 0.25 d = 0.33 d = 0.50 d = 0.75
10mq060n bulletin pd-20519 rev. i 03/03 5 ir logo year current ir1h voltage yywwx week site id marking & identification ordering information 10mq series - tape and reel when ordering, indicate the part number and the quantity ( in multiples of 7500 pieces). example: 10MQ060NTR - 15000 pieces 10mq series - bulk quantities when ordering, indicate the part number and the quantity ( in multiples of 1000 pieces). example: 10mq060n - 2000 pieces tape & reel information dimensions in millimeters and (inches) note: 1. outline conforms to eia-481. each device has 2 rows for identification. the first row designates the device as manufactured by international rectifier as indicated by the letters "ir", and the part number (indicates the current and the voltage rating). the second row indicates the year, the week of manufacturing and the site id.
10mq060n bulletin pd-20519 rev. i 03/03 6 ir world headquarters: 233 kansas st., el segundo, california 90245, usa tel: (310) 252-7105 tac fax: (310) 252-7309 visit us at for sales contact information. 03/03 data and specifications subject to change without notice. this product has been designed and qualified for industrial level. qualification standards can be found on ir's web site.

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