Texas Instruments |
Part No. |
Description |
500 mW, high efficiency 3 kVrms isolated DC-DC converter 16-SO-MOD -40 to 125
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Official Product Page
Texas Instruments |
Part No. |
Description |
500 mW, high efficiency 3 kVrms isolated DC-DC converter 16-SO-MOD -40 to 125
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Official Product Page
Texas Instruments |
Part No. |
Description |
1-Bit, 20MHz, Second-Order, Isolated Delta-Sigma Modulator 16-SOIC -40 to 125
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Official Product Page

GE Security, Inc. Pan Jit International Inc. GE[General Semiconductor]
Part No. |
GBPC1210 GBPC2501 GBPC35005 GBPC3510 GBPC25005 GBPC25 GBPC2510 GBPC3508 GBPC12 GBPC12005 GBPC1201 GBPC1202 GBPC1204 GBPC1206 GBPC1208 GBPC15 GBPC15005 GBPC1501 GBPC1502 GBPC1504 GBPC1506 GBPC1508 GBPC1510 GBPC2502 GBPC2504 GBPC2506 GBPC2508 GBPC35 GBPC3501 GBPC3502 GBPC3504 GBPC3506 GBPC12SERIES
Description |
GLASS PASSIVATED SINGLE-PHASE BRIDGE RECTIFIER 3 A, Wide Input Non-Isolated, Wide Negative Output Adjust Module 7-DIP MODULE -40 to 85 Glass Passivated Single-Phase Bridge Rectifier(钝化玻璃单相桥整流器) 玻璃钝化单相桥式整流器(钝化玻璃单相桥整流器 ECONOLINE: RSZ/P - 1kVDC ECONOLINE:RSZ / P - 1kVDC 2kVDC隔离UL94V - 0封装材料所需的散热片,无外置。组件所需的环形磁ContinuousShort电路保护 P的后缀 3 A, Wide Input Non-Isolated, Wide Output Adjust Module 7-DIP MODULE -40 to 85 玻璃钝化单相桥式整流 6-W, 3.3/5-V Input, Wide Adjust Output Positive-to-Negative Converter 5-DIP MODULE 0.8 to 1.8 V 16-A, 12-V Input, Non-Isolated Wide-Adjust SIP Module 12-SIP MODULE -40 to 85 6-A Wide-Input Voltage Adjustable Switching Regulator 7-DIP MODULE -40 to 85 50-A, 8-V to 14-V Input, Non-Isolated, Wide-Output Adjust, Vertical Power Module 21-DIP MODULE -40 to 85 HIGH CURRENT SILICON BRIDGE RECTIFIER(VOLTAGE - 50 to 800 Volts CURRENT - 35 Amperes) Isolated Flyback Switching Regulator with 9V Output
File Size |
69.34K /
4 Page |
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Texas Instruments |
Part No. |
Description |
1-Bit, 20MHz, Second-Order, Isolated Delta-Sigma Modulator 8-SOIC -40 to 125
Tech specs |
Official Product Page
Texas Instruments |
Part No. |
Description |
1-Bit, 20MHz, Second-Order, Isolated Delta-Sigma Modulator 16-SOIC -40 to 125
Tech specs |
Official Product Page
Texas Instruments |
Part No. |
Description |
12-Bit 40MSPS Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) 32-LQFP -40 to 85
Tech specs |
Official Product Page
Texas Instruments |
Part No. |
Description |
12-Bit 40MSPS Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) 32-LQFP -40 to 85
Tech specs |
Official Product Page


Price and Availability
Datasheet.hk's Sponsor |
Part: C1206C222J1GAC |
Maker: KEMET |
Pack: N/A |
Stock: 1632 |
Unit price
for : |
50: $0.09 |
100: $0.08 |
$0.08 |
Email: oulindz@gmail.com |
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