IXYS, Corp.
Part No. |
MCD95-08IO1B MCD95-16IO1B
OCR Text |
...iec 60747 and refer to a single thyristor/diode unless otherwise stated. symbol conditions maximum ratings i trms , i frms t vj = t vjm 180 a i tavm , i favm t c = 85c; 180 sine 116 a i tsm , i fsm t vj = 45c t = 10 ms (50 hz), sine 2250... |
Description |
180 A, 800 V, SCR, TO-240AA TO-240AA, 7 PIN Thyristor Modules Thyristor/Diode Modules 180 A, 1600 V, SCR, TO-240AA
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198.51K /
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IXYS, Corp.
Part No. |
MCK500-14IO1 MDC500-14IO1
OCR Text |
thyristor/diode modules m## 500 absolute maximum ratings v rrm v drm [v] mcc mcd mdc mca mck mcda mdca 1200 500-12io1 500-12io1 500-12io1 500-12io1 500-12io1 500-12io1 500-12io1 1400 500-14io1 500-14io1 500-14io1 500-14io1 500-14io1 500-14i... |
Description |
1294 A, 1400 V, SCR MODULE-7 1294 A, 1400 V, SCR MODULE-5
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436.23K /
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IXYS, Corp.
Part No. |
VKO55-08IO7 VHO55-08IO7 VHO55-14IO7
OCR Text |
...c 60747 refer to a single diode/thyristor unless otherwise stated for resistive load at bridge output. v rsm v rrm type v dsm v drm vv 800 800 xxx 55-08io7 1200 1200 xxx 55-12io7 1400 1400 xxx 55-14io7 1600 1600 xxx 55-16io7 xxx = typ... |
Description |
Single Phase Rectifier Bridge 41 A, 800 V, SCR Single Phase Rectifier Bridge 41 A, 1400 V, SCR
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49.49K /
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Bourns, Inc.
Part No. |
OCR Text |
...mits overvoltages. the tisppbl3 thyristor sections limit negative overvoltages and the diode sections limit positive overvoltages. negative overvoltages (figure 5) are initially clipped close to the slic negative supply rail value (v b ) by... |
Description |
File Size |
272.77K /
16 Page |
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