
Cirrus Logic
Part No. |
EP7212-CB-a EP7212-CV-a EP7212
OCR Text |
...extpwr pwrfl, batchg uart2 irda d[0-31] npor, run, reset, wakeup expclk, word, ncs[0-3], exprdy, write moe, mwe, ras[0-1], cas[0-3] a[0-27], dra[0-12] lcd drive led and photodiode async interface 2 internal address bus 13-mhz input on-chi... |
Description |
High Performance, Low-Power System-on-Chip with LCd Controller and digital audio Interface (daI) HIGH-PERFORMaNCE/ LOW-POWER SYSTEM-ON-CHIP WITH LCd CONTROLLER aNd dIGITaL aUdIO INTERFaCE(daI)
File Size |
1,488.28K /
136 Page |
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